Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm back on the Warpath

Zach is a fat ugly hump. He likes to touch himself and have sex with dudes, animals, and baseballs. Heres my impersonation of Zach, "I'm a big pile of shoes that have metriculated into a human being through osmosis... now wipe my ass and put on cartoons." Zach is so stupid he can barely breath let alone read. Sometimes I think of how ugly and dumn, and gay, and short Zach is and I just vomit in disgust. Did I mention I don't like Zach?

I think that pretty much locks up my victory in this blog war... now to sit back and plan my parade.

Monday, October 17, 2005

A friend of mine went to Jr. High with me

Greg White, who goes to school in Winona Mn. and I, who go to the same school, both went to jr. high in Mechanicsburg PA. What are the odds of this? Tell me, I acctually want to know the odds. Anyhow this has caused to launch myself in to an orgy of nastolgia. I spent like 3 hours on facebook the other day trying to find people I use to know from Mechanicsburg. It was a very good time. Oh, and I was able to track down my old best friend Jake Zimmerman and I got his phone number. I'll talk to him later... funny huh?

Top 25 Warren Zevon Quotes

1. I’d rather feel bad than not feel anything at all.
2. I’m very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins; I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in. I’m proud to be a glutton and I don’t have time for sloth, I’m greedy and I’m angry and I don’t care who I cross.
3. It’s the home of the brave and the land of the free, where the less you know the better off you’ll be.
4. You can dream the American dream, but you sleep with the lights on and wake up with a scream.
5. I had the Shit till it all got smoked, I kept the promise till the vow got broke, I had to drink from the loving cup, I stood on the banks till the river rose up.
6. They say everything’s all right, they say better days are near, they tell us these are the good times… they don’t live around here.
7. I’d lay my head on the railroad tracks and wait for the double E, but the railroad don’t want no more of poor, poor pitiful me.
8. I’m sprawled across the davenport of despair.
9. I had a girl, now she’s gone, she left town, town burned down.
10. I turn on the TV to the third world war, open up the paper to world war 4, just when I thought it was safe to be bored, trouble waiting to happen.
11. Well I’ve seen everything there is to see, and I’ve heard all they have to say, I’ve done everything I wanted to do… yeah I done that too.
12. Time marches on, time stands still, time on my hands, time to kill, blood on my hands, and my hands in the till.
13. Don’t wanna wake up with no one beside me; don’t wanna take up with nobody new. Don’t want nobody coming by without calling first; don’t want nothing to do with you.
14. If California falls into the ocean like the mystics and statistics say it will, I predict this
motel will be standing, until I pay my bill.
15. Abandon all hope and don’t rock the boat and we’ll all make a few hundred grand, everybody’s trying to be a friend of mine, even a dog can shake hands.
16. Now as you take your pilgrimage I hope you find your grail, be loyal to the ones you leave with even if you fail. Be chivalrous to strangers you meet along the road, as you take that holy ride yourself to know.
17. He took little Suzie to the Jr. Prom. He raped her and killed her than he took her home. After 10 long years they let him out of the home. And he dug up her grave and built a cage with her bones. Well he’s just an excitable boy.
18. Your grasp has exceeded your reach, and you put all your faith in a figure of speech.
19. I’m going down to the Dewdrop Inn, see if I can drink enough. There ain’t much to country living… sweat, piss, jizz, and blood.
20. Than the ape grew very depressed, went through transactional analysis. Plays racquetball, runs in the rain. Still he’s shackled to that platinum chain.
21. I got a 38 special up on the shelf, if I start acting stupid I’ll shoot myself.
22. I’d kill my wife, or she’d kill me, but we got to go to work in the factory.
23. Grandpa pissed his pants again he don’t give a damn. Brother Billy has both guns on; he ain’t been right since Vietnam.
24. I’m going to Detox mansion, way out at last breath farm. I’ve been raking leaves with Liza; we at least cleaned up the yard.
25. Nuclear arms in the Middle East, Israel’s attacking the Iraqis, the Syrians are made at the Lebanese, and Baghdad does what ever she please.

Zach loves this plant!

I climbed the bluffs on Friday

I had promised to climb the bluffs some time, I wanna say sophmore year. My plan was to walk out the front door, start walking, and not stop till I get to the top. Well I finally did it. It was actually much harder than I expected. The bluffs are fairly steep and much of them are covered in a thin layer of glass from broken beer bottles thrown from on top of the bluffs. Anyway, I made it to the top in a little over an hour, took some picutes, and walked back down the road on the other side. I am extremely happy I did it. The view was actually awsome, I'd like to go up there again soon. Oh, and I listened to a couple CDs while climbing. Best climbing songs: After the Gold Rush by Neal Young and Free Will by Rush.

One Day Leave of Absence

Good news, I have been given a one day pass from military headquarters. I do not have to fight Zach today, and can report some of the other goings on in my life. Yes, that's right... somewhat in the face of Zachist oppression I have continued to be able to live my life as I normally would... only with slightly more weeping.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Blake to send 20,000 peacekeepers to Zach's room

In the hopes of fostering greater democracy in the Zach-controlled areas of the appartment Blake will be sending 20,000 military police to Zach's room. "We feel there are many underrepresented minorities in Zach's room," said a Blake representitive, "such as the book shelves, and the desk. These are important factions within Zach's room, and they are currentlly not getting the representation they deserve." There are also concerns that Zach is attempting to ethnically clense his dirty laundry. A very stoic Blake Stockdale was heard to remark, "Zach is a brutal tyranical dictator towards his posetions, and we must teach him our democratic and peaceful ways... bu force if neccesary." Things are now really starting to look up for the objects of Zach's room, and although this writer hates to editoriolize, I must say that Zach is a d-bag and Blake kicks ass. Go Blake Number One Forever Ya-Hooo!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Blog War Stalemate

It would seem that the enemy Zach and I are at an impass. We both sent out a flurry of early attacks, and succeeded in our goals of insulting the other. However, neither of us were able to come up with a powerful enough attack to reduce the others to tears and have him surrender. As this war continues through the upcoming months AND YEARS, I expect I will have to slowly widdle down Zach's self-esteam untill he is reduced to a small pile of pathetic nothingness. It will not be as impressive as the quick, decisive victory I invisioned... but what this stale-mate and all, I guess it will have to do.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Zach is secretly head of Nazis

While many people mistakenly believe that Hitler lead the Nazi party during WWII, current evidence suggests that it was really non other than Zachary T. Krogman. Here we have indisputable visual evidence of Hitler hiling his Nazi supperiour Zach. This proves that Zach hated Jews more than Hitler, hated freedom more than Hitler, and clearler was much larger than Hitler... also for some reason he's in color while nothing else is. Thus proving that Zach is the most evil son of a bitch that has ever lived.

Unussually Low Number of Male Sexual Noises Coming From Zach's Room

The amount of male sexual noises coming from Zach's room has gone down recently. Early on this year he was banging dudes 4 at a time and never looking back. Me not being one to judge I simply accepted his need for constant male companionship of the sexual variety and went on with my life. However, recently I've noticed relative silence coming from his room. When I spoke to Super Gay Leon, a member of the gay community he was quoted as saying, "us gay guys aren't gonna do Zach any more... he's mean and smells funny, and looks like a dead horse, and we don't like him." Looks like bad news for Zach, huh gang?

For the first year and a half I knew Zach I thought he was a house plant

That's right, I've known Zach for about 2 years now, and I only recently discovered that he was a human being. I had been convinced that he was some form of house plant, most likely a ficus. Perhaps its his complete lack of personality or substance that had me fooled. I merely thought him another object that previous dwellers of my appartment building had left behind. I have to say learning he was a human being really hurt his standing in my eyes. Before I was at least impressed by his abilaty to survive without me watering him very often. Now... he doesn't even have that.

Zach's blog is a Pinko Commie Rag

That's right, you heard it here first ladies and gentleman. Your supposed friend and ally in the war against me Zach Krogman is in fact a communist. If he had his way you'd all live in communes, and grovery stores would only have one kind of dorritos, and nobody would be able to get the kind of hair cut they want, and various other misconceptions that I have about communism would become a reality. So far your own sake and for your children's sake don't support Zach in his war against me... support me in my war against everyone.

Zach is dirty dirty dog

Did you hear what I called him?... he can't do jack.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Zach Krogman Drinks His Own Pee

That's right ladies and gentlemen, flouting popular convention Zach Krogman chooses his own urine to thwart dehydration. Writing off such other choices as water, milk, coffe, tea, and soft drinks Zach Krogman chooses to drink urine day in and day out. While others may feel this is disgusting, and an activity menat more for the lesser rodent species rather than human beings, Zach remains defiant. "I drink what I like to drink, and if that's my own urine, than I'm gonna drink my own urine." commented Zach. He than went on to kill two puppies and eat an entire wedding cake at a ceramony he wasn't even invited to.

Blog War!!!!!

War is ussually considered something light-hearted and fun, such as with the children's thumb game, but now war is about to become something much more sinister. As of this moment... 2:02PM, October 9, I am declaring a Blog War on one Zachary T. Krogman.
Grounds for blog war...
1. He smells funny
2. He can't get Jeff to wash the damn walls
3. Although they are very good he likes the Hold Steady slightly more than he should
4. His complete lack of appreciation for the work of Huey Lewis
5. The Wrong Guy IS better than Martin and Orlaff
6. His blog smells too
7. Because I said so
8. War is the ultimate expression of Futurism, and thus was unevitable between the two of us
9. I'm bored
10. Because he stands for everything I don't stand for... also someone told me that he said I look like a dork!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Theres Going to Be A Live Action Transformers Movie

I was looking up Michael Bay's profile on the imdb, because I was trying to remember whether or not I hate him, I don't acctually, although has last couple were pretty bad, but anyway he is going to be directing a live-action transformers movie! This movie better have a MASSIVE budget, cause if those transformers don't look real the movie is gonna suck. That being said this has the potential to be a painfully awsome movie. I'm considering putting myself into some sort of drug induced comma untill this movie comes out, can you do that? Oh, I guess I better get back to whatever I was doing.

PS... You know how I said in my profile that I created this blog so that I could have somewhere to say the things without bothering my friends and family who will be PAINFULLY uninterested in them... yeah, I was talking about stuff like this.

PPS... Is it a bad sign that I didn't need to download this picture because I had already saved it on my computer?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Powerade Bizmark Springbreak 2005!!!!!

Ok, so I decided we should all go to Bizmark for springbreak. And my friends topped me by suggesting that we pretend to be from powerade, and that we are touring local colleges in North Dakota for spring break. Also we insist on refferring to it as 2005 in spite of the fact that it will be 2006.

Jeff's Prediction

"I'm worried that Hurricane Katrina is going to cause the price of Tabasco sauce to increase."

Got lucky twice on the floor

While I was on the floor I was a little worried I'd lose my glasses. Just as I suspected during the second song I got elbowed in the back of the head and my glasses went flying. I reached my hands out wildly and somehow acctually caught them. It was very exciting. Later I reached into my pocket and felt that my cell phone was missing. However, after the show my friend Jeff called my phone. Some guy answered it, met us, and gave it back to me (he had found it lying on the floor during the show). It was awsome! Overall, the concert was a lot of fun, and a great day.

Sneaking on to the floor

We spent the Kaiser Chiefs/Weezer portion of the show in our seats. However, we definately wanted to get onto the floor at least for the Foo fighters. At one point about 20 people jumped the wall and went on the floor. When this happened we ran down and took the seats of those who jumped the wall. We were however unable to jump the wall because now security was keeping an eye out. However in between the show I saw a bunch of high school kids ask a gaurd if they could go get some confetti and than come right back. Shockingly he said yes, and more shockingly those kids acctually picked up confetti and than went back. So I decided we should try it. We asked two random high school girls we met there to go with us, sense me and Jeff don't really look like the Cofetti Collecting type. The ruse worked perfectly and we got onto the floor.

Opening Band: Kaiser Chiefs

I had never heard of the opening band, Kaiser Chiefs, however I acctually liked them quite a bit. They had good songs, the lead singer talked to the crowd a lot, and he ran around the stage like an iddiot. Overall I'd say they put on a very good show, and I downloaded some of their songs right now. I'd say their best song is "I Predict a Riot". Listen to it if you get a chance.

Pre Concert

So the Weezer-Foo Fighters concert was on Sunday. Jeff, Dan, Jill, and I left for the cities around 2 in the afternoon. When we got there we went to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. They had a shirt worn by George Thourougood that I strongly considered stealing. After that we went to some complicated arcade place and I played an awsome fire-fighting game. Unfortunately I was unable to save the mayor. We also checked out that 1st avanue place and looked at all the stars. There were really a large proportion of bands that I like that aren't popular at all. Unfortunetly do to there positionon the wall I was unable to get my picture taken in between the stars of Dave Edmunds and David Allan Coe.

Holy Crap Have I Been Busy!

I haven't posted in a week! That's rediculous! I'm upset with myself! But Mostly I'm upset with everyone else! I will Try to catch up! I will do my best! I like Exclamation Points!!!!!!!!!!