Sunday, October 09, 2005

Blog War!!!!!

War is ussually considered something light-hearted and fun, such as with the children's thumb game, but now war is about to become something much more sinister. As of this moment... 2:02PM, October 9, I am declaring a Blog War on one Zachary T. Krogman.
Grounds for blog war...
1. He smells funny
2. He can't get Jeff to wash the damn walls
3. Although they are very good he likes the Hold Steady slightly more than he should
4. His complete lack of appreciation for the work of Huey Lewis
5. The Wrong Guy IS better than Martin and Orlaff
6. His blog smells too
7. Because I said so
8. War is the ultimate expression of Futurism, and thus was unevitable between the two of us
9. I'm bored
10. Because he stands for everything I don't stand for... also someone told me that he said I look like a dork!


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

The Blake Spot is a mad rampaging blogger of the barbarians. I, Zachary T. Krogman will be blogging in defense of liberty, justice, bourgeois values, and lemonade.

2:39 PM  

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