Saturday, October 08, 2005

Theres Going to Be A Live Action Transformers Movie

I was looking up Michael Bay's profile on the imdb, because I was trying to remember whether or not I hate him, I don't acctually, although has last couple were pretty bad, but anyway he is going to be directing a live-action transformers movie! This movie better have a MASSIVE budget, cause if those transformers don't look real the movie is gonna suck. That being said this has the potential to be a painfully awsome movie. I'm considering putting myself into some sort of drug induced comma untill this movie comes out, can you do that? Oh, I guess I better get back to whatever I was doing.

PS... You know how I said in my profile that I created this blog so that I could have somewhere to say the things without bothering my friends and family who will be PAINFULLY uninterested in them... yeah, I was talking about stuff like this.

PPS... Is it a bad sign that I didn't need to download this picture because I had already saved it on my computer?


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