Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fake Chase Nearly Causes Car Crash

So I had to give Zach a ride to go pick up his car this morning. After dropping him off I sat behind him in my car and than pretended to tail him. He of chorse, not wishing to be tailed, drove around in random directions through residential neighborhoods. At one spot at a stop sign he made a left. I, perhaps in a bit of hast because of the chase, failed to see an oncoming car and pulled out ahead of it. Luckily there was no accident, but it did make my activity strike me as somewhat dangerous and stupid. This makes it extremely hard for me to tell you why I continued to tail him after this near-crash for an additional five minutes.


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Ha! My blog has been updated more recently than yours, dinosaur!!!

9:26 PM  

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