Saturday, September 24, 2005

Jason is a Giant Lady!

Ok, so were over at this guy DJ's house playing poker. Jason is looking at the DVD's on the wall which belong to DJ's room mate (I can't remember her name). So Jason is like, "hey can I borrow this movie" And she's like, "yeah, I guess if you really want it". And I'm like, "what movie?" As it turns out, Jason was asking to borrow the movie Now and Then. You know, the Rosie O'Donald picture. So of chorse I start making fun of him, and than the girl is like, "yeah, it's a pretty good movie, but its a bit too much of a chick-flick for me." I almost died laughing. Oh, and later when we were playing catch phrase Jason used the discription, "It's that Tom Cruise movie, you know... the one where he looks really hot."


Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

The two are not neccessarilly related. The fact that I'm not getting laid could be caused by many other things. My refusal to bath, my opium addiction, the way I tell long pointless stories about my pets that never go anywhere, the way my teeth click when I'm eating, and my inablity to speak the english language.

10:57 AM  
Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

For your information, my had wasn't misshappen untill David Lee Roth hit me in the face with a shovel. So as you can see, the 1980's was a giant bear trap for me as well.

1:51 PM  

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