Sunday, October 16, 2005

Blake to send 20,000 peacekeepers to Zach's room

In the hopes of fostering greater democracy in the Zach-controlled areas of the appartment Blake will be sending 20,000 military police to Zach's room. "We feel there are many underrepresented minorities in Zach's room," said a Blake representitive, "such as the book shelves, and the desk. These are important factions within Zach's room, and they are currentlly not getting the representation they deserve." There are also concerns that Zach is attempting to ethnically clense his dirty laundry. A very stoic Blake Stockdale was heard to remark, "Zach is a brutal tyranical dictator towards his posetions, and we must teach him our democratic and peaceful ways... bu force if neccesary." Things are now really starting to look up for the objects of Zach's room, and although this writer hates to editoriolize, I must say that Zach is a d-bag and Blake kicks ass. Go Blake Number One Forever Ya-Hooo!


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