Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Best of 2008

Okay, were going to do something a little different here. Rather than giving you the best books written in 2008 or songs relased in 2008 or movies that premiered in 2008... I am going to give you the best books that I READ in 2008, songs that I first ENJOYED in 2008, and the movies that I first SAW in 2008. This is an important distinction because I don't have to worry about when something was made to put it on my list, which is kind of neccesary, because I don't really read/listen to/watch all that much current media. So without further explaining of the thing that I'm doing now, I give you:
The Top 20 books I read in 2008:
1. The Silence of the Lams, Thomas Harris
2. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
3. The Exorcist, Peter Blatty
4. Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein
5. The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonneguet
6. Battle Royale, Koushun Takami
7. Death Rat, Michael J Nelson
8. Our Band Could Be Your Life, Michael Azzard
9. Hando, Louis La’morre
10. Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
11. Glass Soup, Jonathan Carol
12. The Onion Field, Joseph Wambaugh
13. Ball Four, Jim Bouton
14. The Quick and the Dead, Louie L’moore
15. Unfinished Tales, JRR Tolkien
16. The Tower Managerie, Danial Hahm
17. Frankenstein, Merry Shelly
18. Robinson Curuso, Danial Dafoe
19. Who’s Afraid of a Large Black Man, Charles Barkley
20. Slaphappy, Thomas Hackett

Top 20 Songs I Enjoyed this Year:
(I say enjoyed because although I had heard some of these songs before, this is the first year I really liked them)
1. Small Bones Small Bodies, The Future of the Left
2. Nickname, Qadir
3. Boyz-In-The-Hood, Easy E
4. The Auctioneer, Steve Goodman
5. Motorpsycho Nightmare, Bob Dylan
6. Fette’s Vette, mc chris
7. Pisol Packin’ Mama, John Prine
8. Carmalita, Warren Zevon
9. Academy Fight Song, Mission of Burma
10. The Seeker, The Who
11. Straight Outta Compton, NWA
12. Lula, Bright Eyes
13. Dear Abby, John Prine
14. 88 Lines About 44 Women, The Nails
15. Great Compromise, John Prine
16. 6 O’Clock News, John Prine
17. Misunderstood, Wilco
18. Sadle in the Rain, John Prine
19. Dead Man’s Blues, Thistles and Thorns
20. In the Garden, John Prine

Top 20 Movies I Saw this Year:
1. The Dark Knight
2. Battle Royale
3. Juno
4. The Prestiege
5. Iron Man
6. Prince Caspian
7. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Krystal Skull
8. Step Brothers
9. Semi-Pro
10. Futurama: Bender’s Game
11. Futurama: Bender’s Big Score
12. Hot Rod
13. 30 Days of Night
14. The Shootist
15. Tropic Thunder
16. Idiocracy
17. Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs
1. Pinapple Express
19. The House Bunny
20. The Brothers Solomon

Anyway that's it, see ya'll next year


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