Sunday, September 16, 2007

What do I like Better, Movies or songs

Given my utter lack of responsiblities this weekend I ranked a huge backlog of movies, books, songs, and TV shows. The clear winners of this rankfest were the movie 300, which ended up being my 45th favorite movie of all time, and Comfort Eagle by Cake, which ended up being my 48th favorite song. After doing so I asked myself, what do I like better the song or the movie? Rather than simply answering the question like a normal person (although I suppose a normal person wouldn't rate all these songs and movies in the first place) I began to ponder about the ramifications of my decision. Upon doing so I envisioned a contest of comparing equally ranked movies and songs. And so I give you, the first ever rendition of...

MOVIE VS. SONG!!!!!!!!

Picking random numbers from 1 to 1,000 I give you the following matchups...

Number 32: The Magnificant Seven vs. Last Caress, The Misfits
Ah, a truly classic matchup... I brilliant western staring Yuel Brenner based on a Kirisawa film against an awesome death metal song that makes me want to crash whenever I listen to it while driving... but in a good way. I can think of no line in the movie as brilliant as, "Well I got something to say, I raped your mother today", so Last Caress wins that contest, but I don't think Last Caress can overcome the total badassedness of a movie that stars Steve McQueen and Charles Brawnson... to of my ultimate badass heros.
Advantage: Movie

153: The Breakfast Club vs. Dang Me, Roger Miller
Ah, another 60's western vs. 80's awesome matchup, this time with the roles reversed. Breakfast club has a miriad of memerable quotes and moments, and made us all realize that maybe we aren't so different after all, or we are but its okay, or some dumb thing like that. While dang me just plain kicks ass, and makes us all realize that old country stingers managed to spend as much money on booze as modern day hip-hoppers spend on bling. In the end I guess the more universal lesson wins.
Advantage: Movie

276: PCU vs. Lawyers, Guns, And Money, Warren Zevon
PCU is a shockingly realistic look at college considering the fact that it starred a 36-year-old Jeremy Piven; Lawyers, Guns, and Money is the song that should have been the smash hit that Werewolves of London ended up being. And while I will continue to tell people who wear the shirt of the band they are going to see that they shouldn't be that guy and insult people that major in Phys Ed, Warren Zevon simply isn't going to lose a whole lot of contests of which I am the judge.
Advantage: Song

430: Ocean's Eleven vs. Breaking the Law, Judas Priest
Oceans Eleven is a very tricky movie. It has the feel of a bug-budget hollywood blowout that should be built up to high and fall in on itself. However, for some reason that doesn't happen, and each layer of well-known-Hollywood-actor or predictable plot twist simply builds the movie up higher and higher. And while perhaps eventually the layers may start to movie sideways at best, it never really collapses. The movie is well acted, well made, and very, very enjoyable. That is why its a shame that its going up against Breaking the Law, which I simply can not believe is ranked as low as 430. This song is great to listen to in the car, would be awesome to sing at kereoke, and if I were to ever make a movie that involved people commiting petty cimes, I would be sure to include this song.
Advantage: Song

675: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Up On Cripple Creek, The Band
I must admit that this number was not chosen randomly... after watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a few weeks ago I have been looking for a chance to discuss it. It is easy to underestimate how ligitamitly good this movie is. It has great action, great one-liners, and surprisingly in-depth character development. That being said, Cripple Creek is an awesome song, that makes me want to imbrace the life of a drunken lay-about (assuming I have someone to drag my ass home). Than again I suppose I can't risk her tearing up half of my track winnings, "just for a laugh". In the end I suppose I have to give the advantage to the medium which includes a line about a man confusing the word "clostrophobic" with the word "homosexual".
Advantage: Movie

Well, movies won this round 3 out of 5, but I suppose that hardly that convincing of a victory. End the end its anybody's guess if I like movies or songs better. But either way one things deffinately true... I was able to waste an awful lot of time.


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