Saturday, September 15, 2007

Greatest Four Movie Run of All time

For the first time in my life I have seen four movies in a row, which I believe to all be at least an 8 out of 10 or higher. For a little perspective let me mention that I have seen to date about 1300 movies, only 268 of which are rated 8 or higher. That's roughly 20 percent. This means when I go see a movie, the chances of it being an 8 or better are 1 in 5. Thus my chances of seeing to 8-or-betters in a row is .2 times .2, which equals .04, or 4%. This means, that if I see 4 random movies the chances of all 4 being an 8 or better are .2 x .2 x.2 x.2 which is equal to .0016. Which means the odds are .16%, or 1 in 625.

I hope you know understand how amazing this is.

And now, of chorse you are all asking yourself, "what four movies did you see Blake?"
Well, while I'm upset that you're all being so nosey, I will humor you and tell you. And as I do so I will give you my projected rating for each movie, and show just how shocking that all of these movies are rated as highly as they are.

1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,
After being very dissapointed with the so/so Goblet of Fire I wasn't expecting a whole lot out of this movie. However Shannon recently got into the Potter books, so this movie seemed a nice night out for us. Needless to say my hopes for the night were pinned more on the meal at Ruby Tuesdays than the movie itself (great salad bar). However this movie showed the great fast-paced super-fun action that can make a movie based on a book-series for young adults so very very enjoyable.
8 out of 10

2. Battle Royale
I'm gonna be honest with you, I stubbled across this movie while looking for clips of old WWF matches. A Battle Royale is ussually a match in which 20 men start in the ring and are elimminated one at a time by being thrown over the top rope. However, in this movie a Battle Royale is an act of congress that sends one 9th grade class a year to an island of death. 40 kids start on the island, and they are eliminated one at a time by being killed by their classmates. This movie isn't just crazy, it's Japaneese crazy, which is the best kind of crazy (except maybe South Korean crazy). Anyway this movie is awesome, and is apparently like the 4th highest grossing movie in the history of Japan... I can see why. Needless to say I bought the book that the movie was based on.
9 out of 10

3. Superbad
People were talking up this movie so much, I was pretty sure it was getting overhyped. It isn't, its actually that good. I'm sure you've heard everything there is to hear about why this movie is so good, so I won't try to get you to go see it. I'm just gonna say that you should. It is quite simply one of the best made comedys that I have ever seen in my entire life.
10 out of 10

4. The Prestiege
I netflixed this movie. Upon doing so I allowed it to sit unwatched for about 5 weeks. This pretty well describes how excited I was to see this movie. Eventually I buckled down and asked myself, "who am I, Jeff?" The answer was, of chorse I am not. If I was I would weigh 140 pounds and be able to discuss the merits of 8 different forms of metal music. Anywho eventually I watched the damn thing and it was brilliant. It had a great story, the acting was brilliant (especially David Bowie as Nikoli Tesla) and the plot was cool that I figured out the twist and didn't even care because what was going on was so freaking sweet. So anyway I ended up very pleasently surprised.
8 out of 10.

So there you have it, a once in a life-time conglomerate of brilliant movies. But I do wonder, why did this happen now. I have noticed that I am, of late, more likely to watch really good movies than I have been at any other point in my life. I feel the reasons for this are three fold.
1. I know what kinds of movies I like better now than I use to.
- when your a kid you pretty much just watch whatever comes on in front of you
2. I am much less likely to get forced into watching movies now than I use to be.
- I watched some pretty bad movies in school, and also ones that my mom picked out.
3. I watch fewer movies now than I use to.
- More often than not I'm watching a movie because I think it will be good rather than because I have nothing else to do (this was not the case at one point in my life.)

This of chorse means that more and more movies are getting ranked as above average (6 and above). This throws of my original design which put half of all movies 5 and below, and half 6 and above. This means I need to rethink either how I rate movies, or what those ratings mean.

Anywho, all there is for it now is to cross all the fingers I can and hope that the next movie I see is also an 8 or better. This would put the odds of what is occuring to me at roughly 1 in 3,125. The next movie I plan to see is The Host. A hugely popular Koreon monster movie... so needless to say my hopes are high.

I'll get back to you with the results.


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