Sunday, October 22, 2006

Haven't had the internet lately

So I haven't had the internet lately, or any computer to speak of. This was not bacause of a problem with my computer, but do to a malfunctioning cord. There was a second cord in my house but as it turns out I was too lazy and shiftless to find it. However, somehow or another it turned up. Thus I can now bring you...


Da Ali G Show
Overall I like this show a lot. My only real concern is that I often end up feeling bad for the people he's interviewing. The show is set up so that the only way the interviewee can avoid looking like a total jackass. And while its easy to say, "I'd know it was fake", people tend to believe what they see, myself, and probobly you included. The show makes alot of average basically nice people look like stupid jerks. While this makes me feel bad, it also has a tendency to make me laugh. Thus I like this show in spite of myself.
Da Ali G Show is my 39th favorite show of all time.
Borat is now my 58th favorite TV character of all time.

I ranked and rated Entourage on here after I saw the first season. After seeing the second season I moved it up to 28th favorite show. Also I never added the characters to the list.
Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon): 13th favorite character of all time
Ari Gould (Jeremy Pivon): 15th favorite character of all time
- By the way, two characters in the top 15 puts Entourage in very elite company: Simpsons and Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Also have this ranked and rated but wanted to throw JD onto the character list at number 78.

I saw one episode of this show on comedy central. I thought it was very funny. I than had to rank it based on that one episode. I put it at number 37. I have now seen the whole first season. The show is much better than 37th. I honestly don't remember laughing that much from a television show in quite some time.
Stella is now my 17th favorite show of all time
Michael Schowalter is my 45th favorite charachter of all time
Michael Ian Black is my 64th favorite character of all time

30 Days
I thought Supersize me was pretty good. Upon watching it I remember thingking, "this would have been better if it were about 45 minutes long." That's pretty much what this show is, except that its not about McDonalds. So far I like it, it's nice to see a show where someone learns somehting for a change. Ussually when I watch TV I acctually start to forget stuff I use to know. Not my favorite show by any means, but I'd definatelly watch it when its on.
30 Days is now my 47th favorite show of all time.

Out of all the Movies, Songs, and Television shows to enter my life so far in 2006 Lost is the most significant. I love this show to know end. It has great characters, great plot lines, and great dialouge. I can not think of anything I would choose to change about this show. I desprately look forward to seeing it every week. It is amazing.
Lost is now my 6th favorite show on television.
And now for an impressive barage of characters:
7. John Locke
35. Charlie
42. Hurley
53. Sawyer
63. Mr. Echo
77. Jack
81. Boone
While I'm not sure, 7 on the list might be second only to the Simpsons.


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