Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Book Reviews: Outside the Dog Museum

Big review of a book I read awhile ago. This would not be an especially big deal, except that this book was AMAZING. The book was funny, it was interesting, it had great characterization, it was hard to put down. Best thing I can say about it: I WILL be reading more Jonathan Caroll. The basic idea of this book is that a world famous architecht has a nervous breakdown than gets cured by a mystic, and is later hired to build a Dog Museum that may or may not be the Tower of Babbel. This book has a lot of sub plots that appear as random stories that are thrown in for no reason. While they appear random, there is a theme that connects them all together and makes them an integraul part of the book. You might have to read it to understand what I'm talking about. At the end of the day all that really matters is that this is a great book by a ver talented writer, so I'll just say that.

Outside the Dog Museum is my 23rd favorite book of all time, this makes Jonathan Caroll my 17th favorite author between Franz Kafka and Robert Heinlin.


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