Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New Idea: State Geography Twister

I haven't spoken much about Student Teaching. There are a few reasons for this:
1. I have been very busy what with all the student teaching
2. Don't know rules about me sharing information about students, etc.
3. Realized one of my students might google my name and find this website so deffinately want to avoid saying anything negative.
4. Nothing really all that monstrouslly interesting to talk about.

However, that being said, it has gone quite well. My experiences as a teacher are making me feel that teaching is not only a carear I could handle, it could be one I could acctually enjoy.
This point is highlighted by an idea I had today. I have an overhead of the United States broken into 30 sections. I will have each student draw one section (a section will be Montana, half of idaho, and a third of Wyoming or whatever). We will than tape them all to the floor and play twister (right hand Nebraska, left foot Ohio, what have you). I like this idea, and I am working in a job where I can come up with an idea I like, and than do it. I like that.


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