Thursday, January 22, 2009

Best of my 2008 Tearaway Calander

Okay, now this is going to be a best of list of my 2008 tearaway calander from the comic strip "Brevity". Now some of these are funny with just the words, and some of them you need to see the comic strip for them to be funny. However, after looking at them if you have to explain what's in the picture very much, it's not going to be funny, because it just doesn't translate. So I'm just going to write what they say and not really try very hard to explain anything, so some of these won't really make much sense. But anyway, here the are.

1. Suddenly John realized he didn't want paper OR plastic. He wanted something new... something fantastic.
2. Man looking at a bum: "Boy, that guy sure likes cans."
3. Most people don't know that tug-o-war got its start in the late 1600's when, for a brief period of time, rope was considered legal tender.
4. Judge: "One last time Mr. Gallagher 'what happens in vegasstays in vegas' is not, nor will it ever be, an acceptable legal precedent."
5. The town of Irony, Pennsylvania, has long been known for being very literal.
6. Saint Andrew: "where you at?" Suddenly, God wondered if Saint Andrew had a cooler cell phone than him.
7. Man on park bench: "Watch outm that squirrel's about to steal your crumbs!"
8. They stayed up all night listening to NPR and doing a shot every time someone said 'unilateral'
9. Detective: "We ran some samples back at the lab... it's dirt all right."
10. Skydiver: "So that's where I put my bear."
11. Woman: "I'm glad I just ordered a salad, he'll think I'm so dainty." Man: "Is she going to eat that WHOLE salad!"
12. Mongol: "Well gentlemen, we've captured the known world. What's next.... tea? Parcheesi? A little nappy nap?
13. The next few years wold be very litigious
14. Early archeology: "It appears to be some sort of bone"
15. Lion: "Look a that plumage, he must be the alpha male."
16. Suddenly, awkwardly, Andy realized he was snapping along to the funeral dirge.
17. Soon the honter-gatherers wold spread from sea to sea, while the scrounger-breakdancers would fade into oblivion.
18. Man talking to his dog: "whatever. crosswords are stupid."
19. Foosball man looking at nerdy kid: "oh great, we'll never win with this nerd on our team."
20. Well it was definitely an ax, and he was clearly a maniac, but I don't know... 'wielding' implies a whole level of skill I'm just not sure this guy had."
21. "Ah, pants. My old nemisis."
22. King: "I now knight you, 'Sir Kneelsalot'."
23. Unbeknownst to most, dogs are actually greedy bastards searching for gold.
24. Detective, "The profile says our suspect is a something of a ladies' man... you're free to go."
25. Dog: "He's always tring to get rid of that stick. I bring i back just to torture him."


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