Thursday, May 26, 2005

Doing Nothing has Become More Fun

So now that I know I'm gonna have a job doing nothing all day has been a lot more fun. Now that I realize I'm acctually going to have to do some work in a couple of weeks, I don't mind sitting around doing nothing. I think I'm gonna sit around and do nothing all night tonight... and I will enjoy it.

Just Got a Job at camp Red Arrow!

I just heard back from Camp Red Arrow, and I got the job! This is absolutely fantastic! I will be doing absolutely no work untill June 13th. I will be done working by August 10th. And I will still make more money this year than I did last year. Plus this job will acctually be a relavent former job when I apply for teaching jobs in the future. I will acctually have a leg up on applicants with no expereince working with kids. On the other hand this is going to be a lot of work, and there may be some trouble when they find out I don't know nearly as much as I said I did... but who cares, I got the job!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Shot Down by Khols

Oh, I almost forgot to mention. I got a letter in the mail from Khols today. Boy they sure were glad that I applied... but no job for Blake. I guess I'm just not "Khols materialk". Ohh well... what are you gonna do?

Friend to Live on Private Island

OK so I get a call from my friend Zach the other day. Zach is going to be an intern in Florida this summer. And apparently Zach just got a house sitting job for while hes down there. He is going to be living in a house that has its own private island! Can you believe that? Anyway I feel I have the right to be angry about this for the next 6 to 10 weeks. On the plus side he invited me to stay there, and I was able to convince him to name it 'Party Island'. Obviously if I can work it out I will take a trip to party island. However I will still be very angry.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

List: Favorite Richard Matheson short stories

Richard Matheson is my favorite writer. Unfortunately few people have ever heard of him. He wrote wrote the book The Incredible Shrinking Man. He also wrote the book I Am Legend, which is the basis for the Charlton Heston movie The Omega Man. He also wrote several scripts for The Twilight Zone, including Nightmare at 20,000 feet, with the guy who sees the gremlin on the plane. Anyway, the reason he's my favorite author is because of his short stories. So I thought I'd rank all of his short stories. And I thought I'd post it here, evan if nobody cares.

1. Witch War
2. Through Channels
3. The Distributor
4. When the Waker Sleeps
5. Being
6. Born of Man and Woman
7. The Children of Noah
8. Steel
9. The Last Day
10. Nightmare at 20,000 Feet
11. Dance of the Dead
12. Duel
13. Lover When Your Near Me
14. Legion of Plotters
15. Trespass
16. From Shadow Places
17. Prey
18. The Holiday Man
19. Crickets
20. F ------
21. The Test
22. Blood Son
23. Mad House
24. Buried Talents
25. The Likeness of Julie
26. Button, Button
27. Shipshape Home
.8. First Anniversary
29. Mantage
30. Brother to the Machine
31. By Appointment Only
32. Death Ship
33. Disappearing Act
34. Return
35. Slaughter House
36. SRL Ad
37. One For the Books
38. Long Distance Call
39. The Near Departed
40. Wet Straw
41. Little Girl Lost
42. Third From the Sun
43. Shoofly
44. Person to Person
45. The Funeral
46. Dress of White Silk
47. Old Haunts

That's it. I really need to find three more to read so I can get a full top 50.

Inter-Gender Communication

Hey, for this education class I had to write my final paper about inter-gender communication. We were supposed to read this article about this book and than write the paper about how our own experiences reflect in the paper. At this point in the year I really didn't care how I did on the paper, so I chose to write it completely honestly. However, I ended up with an A in the class, so I guess I did OK on the paper. Anyway here it is:

In her book, "You Just Don't Understand Me" Debrah Tannen outlines the communication crime that most men and women are guilty of. I freely admit that I am as guilty as anyone. I have many female friends that I often talk with, and just as it described in this article, they often attempt to share their problems with me. Perhaps for them they are sharing their troubles in order to forge a better relationship between us, but to be perfectly honest, all I hear is complaining.
Of chores I don't say this to the women I am speaking to. Mostly I just nod a lot and try to sound sympathetic knowing that eventually we can talk about something I'm interested in. Perhaps it's a bit shallow to admit that my solution to the inter-gender communication problem is to "fake it", but its worked so far.
And let us not forget that I am not the only one who fakes interest for the betterment of a given conversation. I have many times started talking to female friends of mine and seen them just smile and nod at me with no real interest in what I have to say. However, unlike some people, this does not offend me at all. If I want to say something, and you don't think it's that interesting, all I ask is that you smile and no, and than we can move on to something else.
The difference in the way men and women communicate can have a huge impact on a teacher. I have enough experience communicating with males to do that very well, but this book offers me some very good information on how to communicate with women. Although I admittedly have no real desire to start communicating the women do, I at least understand the way they communicate now, and knowing is half the battle.
The whole situation reminds me of something our class discussed earlier about prejudice. Everyone has prejudices, but if you know what your prejudices are they are less likely to cause a problem. I have an inherent prejudice which says that talking like a guy is better than talking like a woman, but I know that. Because I know that I can bite the bullet and at least attempt to communicate with my female students in a way they are more accustomed to.
When a female student, parent, or faculty member tells me some of the problems they are having, I know that they are not simply complaining for its own sake. It is also possible that they are not sharing their problems because they want advice, and I should keep that in mind when talking to them.
Another topic in this book that can be very useful in the classroom is the way in which men and women work in groups. From my own personal experience I can say that men and women do group work differently. As the book says women tend to all put forward ideas, which are all accepted and combined to form the groups idea, thus consensus is achieved. Men on the other hand all have their own ideas about what should be done, and the first thing the group has to do is argue over who's idea is the best.
Both of these methods can be very useful for accomplishing your group's task. The best method is somewhere in between. Everyone's ideas should be heard, and when possible incorporated into the project. However, the simple fact remains that some ideas are better than others, and a bad idea should not be accepted simply to further group unity. Becasue of this fact groups should be made up of men and women, and they should all work together cohesively (buyt not too cohesively).
Men and women might not be in agreement on how to communicate, but we do all agree that communication is very important. Communication is especially important in education. In fact, education could be described as a method of communicating ideas and values to a younger generation. Thus it is important for a good teacher to understand how men and women communicate. I hope that my knowledge of how communication works will help me to better understand my female students, and if it doesn't, well than I guess I'll just have to keep faking it.

Woke Up Too Early This Morning

Woke up at 9:30 this morning. I didn't go to bed till about 3:00 last night. So I'm gonna be tired all day... plus this is way too much time to kill. I mean I have to figure out a way to waste nearly two hours before I can even eat lunch. On the plus side though I got to watch some of Married With Children on FX. That is an outstanding show. I guess I could start working on the list agin, or maybe think of something else to blog about, oh well, we'll see.

Short Film: "Unencumbured Enthusium"

Awhile back my friend Zach and I came up with an idea for a movie. It's about a Newspaper in the 30's that get's turned around by a plucky young copy boy. We acctually wrote most of a script and shot some of the movie. I thought I'd give you a basic overview of the movie.

The movie is about Mort Spiegelman, the owner and only writer for the failing Saint Lewis Gazzette (notice he spells Saint Louis wrong). It takes place in the 1930's and 40's. Mort couldn't afford a memiograph machine, so he had to make all the papers by hand. He could ussually make about 12 copies a week, and he ussually sold about half of those.

But that all changed when Mort acquired the services of young Jimmy Goodwell. Mort won Jimmy in a poker game. And as it turned out Jimmy could copy papers so quickly that Mort could devote all his time to writing the paper. As Mort would put it, "Jimmy was making so many papers every week we had to come up with a way to sell them. So, we started putting effort into our writing... and we started writing them in English."

Anyway, things were going great for Mort... untill World War II started. Now all anyone wants to read about is World War II, but Mort can't afford to send a correspondant to Europe. So he creates a new plan. Mort plans to go back in time, to the battle of Antitum, and report on that. The task of building the Time Machine falls on young Jimmy Goodwell.

Now Jimmy didn't know much about science, but he sure did know a lot about giving 110%, so he was willing to put his best effor into building that time machine, Basically he ductapes a calander to bycicle. He than writes 1863 on the top, and circels the date June 5th.

So Mort gets on the bike, and rides it into a wall, injuring himself badly. Much to the ammusment of Mort's wife, who was against the time machine idea from the start. The paper folds, and Jimmy turns to alchohol, and ultimately takes his own life. Mort's wife leaves him and returns to her former life as a prostitute.

The movie would end with a statement from Mort (The movie was comprised of an interview with Mort, and flashbacks with voiceovers) Mort would say, "A lot of people ask me why I thought I would be able to build a time machine. But the thing you have to remember, is that in Saint Louis... at that time... there was no arch." Than he would stare blankly off into the distance for a second, and the movie would end.

Well, that's it... I liked it anyway.

Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm getting pretty good at shooting hook shots

I've been shooting baskets out in the park a lot lately. For the past few days I've really been concentrating on shooting hookshots. But the thing is... I'm only 5' 9" and 1/2. I will really never have the oppurtunity to play in the post, so there isn't really a reason for me to practice it. However, I'm not going to stop practicing it because I'm really enjoying getting good at it. It's nice practicing something knowing your abilaty at it will affect your life in absolutely no way, it really takes the pressure off. I think it's kinda like those monks who practice martial arts 10 hous a day even though they are never allowed to use violence. Funny... I always just thought they were stupid or something.

Undergoing Massive List-Making

Don't know if I've mentioned how obsessed I am with making lists. Anyway, most are fairly small, but I've decided to create a somewhat longer one. I've begun ranking my favorite songs. Don't quite know how long I'll make the list... probobly around 500 or so. I think I worked on it a good six or seven hours today... I'm acctually quite exhausted. It might not make sense that I'm willing to devote so much time to this, but I'm trying to stave off bordem, and I somehow feel the need to get this done anyway. I have rated every song on my computer as 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 stars. However, unless I rank them I might accidently be in a situation where I like a 3 star better than a 4 star. It's impossible to describe how much that bothers me. Anyway, after I get the list made I'll post as much of it as I care to on the sight.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I'm legally required to talk about Star Wars here

I've been looking at random blogs, and it seems that everybody and their mother is writing about the new Star Wars movie, so I guess I better as well. Before we started drinking I went on saw Star Wars yesterday, I saw it on the Ultrascreen. I gotta tell you... it was pretty fantastic. I was very dissapointed in the last one, but this one was great. I highly reccomend it if you like the first three Star Wars, or if you like action movies in general.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Why are cat's seen as sexy

I mean when you say that someone is ugly, you say they are a dog. Yet the whole cat woman thing is supposed to be sexy right? And when to chicks fight they call it a cat fight. Now I'm willing to conceed that its totally sexy when two chicks fight... but its not sexy when two actual cats fight. Trust me, I watch the discovery chanel sometimes. I don't know, maybe I'm thinking about it too hard.

Favorite Movie Conversation

I've compiled a brief list of some of my favorite movie conversations. They are not in a specific order.

- Nearly every conversation in The Big Lebowski. Off the top of my head I'll choose the "They peed on your f**king rug conversation.
- The conversation Jake and Elwood Blues have while driving through the mall.
- The first time Al Pachino's character talks to the police chief after leaving the bank in Dog Day Afternoon
- The scene from The Outlaw Josey Wales where Wales talks to and than kills the bounty hunter
- The McDonalds conversation from Pulp Fiction
- The "I don't tip" conversation from Reservior Dogs
- When Criticle Bill won't leave his appartment in Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
- Several conversations from Dazed and Confused... I'll pick the one they have smoking pot on the 50-yeard line
- Anthony Hopkins telling Alec Baldwin that they are going to kill the bear in The Edge
- The scene in Fargo where the quiet guy keeps insisting they should get flapjacks
- The scene in the church from High Noon
- The conversation Moglie has with the vultures in The Jungle Book
- When Indingo Montoya is explaining to Wesley how the three of them have to storm the gates and rescue Buttercup in The Princess Bride
- The scene in Stripes where they talk to the army recruiter
- When Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood talk about Freeman's last fight in Million Dollar Baby
- Pretty much any conversation Sean Connerey has in The Untouchables-
Pretty much any conversation Earnest Borgnine has in The Wild Bunch
- Steve Buschemi explaining to Adam Sandler how to be mean in Airheads
- Everthing the anouncers say to eachother in Best in Show
- In The Game, when Sean Penn talks to Michael Douglas in his car
- The first time Emelio Estevez talks to Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man
- When Kevin Spacey keeps saying "Go to lunch" in Glengarry Glen Ross
- When Clive Owen talks to Jackie Boy's corpse in Sin City

That's all I've got for right now.

Little More About Me

Found another survey. This one's a little more specific.

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Location: Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Favorite Movie:Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Favorite TV Show: Old episodes of the Simpsons
Favorite Actress: Salma Hayek
Favorite Actor: Clint Eastwood
Favorite kind of Music: Rock
Favorite Band: Modest Mouse
Favorite Book: Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegeut
Favorite Author: Richard Matheson
Favorite Animal: Killer Whale
Favorite Food: Sandwhiches
Favorite Sport to play: Basketball (I really like golf also)
Favorite Sport to watch: Football
Favorite Alcoholic beverage: I like whiskey cokes, my favorite beer is Red Stripe
Favorite non alcoholic beverage: Pepsi
Favorite Subject in High School: History
Favorite Color: Blake
Favorite Late Night Talk Show Host: Easily Conan O'Brian

Survey I found

Reading Over someone else's blog I found a survey of some sort. I don't really know exactly what the survey is about, (I wasn't reading very closely) but I'm bored so I guess I'll fill it out here. The way it works is, they start a sentence and you finish it.

1. My mother and I:
get along very well. Mostly because she's a wonderful, caring person, and I make an effort not to do anything that will make her sad.
2. I hate people who:
Don't think about anything but themselves
3. Good friends:
are hard to come by, so when you find one you better do everything you can to keep them.
4. I am:
5. My biggest problem is:
I lack innitiative, and sometimes confidence.
6. My father is:
a wonderful person, and a lot like me. Does that sentence make me concieted?
7. My biggest fear is:
I can't say, because my enemies might read this and use it against me.
8. A Man is Happy When:
he's in that short span of time between when he's gotten what he wants, and when he wants something else.

Some Good MST3K Quotes

Did anyone use to watch the show Mystery Science Theater 3000? Well regaurdless I was reading some quotes from the show. I wrote down some of the one's I liked... and here they are:

Yuri: Are you calling me a psychopath?
Crow: I'll kill your whole family if you call me that!

Troy: You knew my father? Am I like him?
Tom Servo: No, he was masculine and likeable.

"How Do Animals Learn?" Well, as long as they learn to taste good, I don't really care.

Crow: I have my doubts that this movie is actually "starring anybody. More like "camera is generally pointed at."

You're really stupid if you get hit by a car AFTER the Apocalypse

The Pony Express - When it absolutely HAS to be there in three or four months or so.

This always happens. People throw me out the window, tell me I'm Puma Man, then leave.

Tom Servo: Her cofee table was purchased with the souls of young girls. About eight I think.

This is the early version of "Snow White" called "Snow White and the One Normal Sized Guy".

Trash talking wasn't very good yet. All you coud say was "ARRGHGHR."

He diesd as he lived, with jelly all over his face.

I liked those anyway.

I Saw Part of the Wierdest Movie Today

My parents get all the pay chanels for free for a little while still. And so I was watching showtime and I saw some of this movie called Evil Alien Conquerors. I can't tell whether its funny or just wierd. I mean I was laughing, but I don't know if I was laughing at the movie or with it. It's about these two aliens who come to earth (Played by Chris Parnell from Saturday Night Live, and the guy that played Ozwald on the Drew Carry Show). Anyway there goal is to kill every human on earth by beheading within a few days. However, they have no special skills or abilaties, and they aren't very smart. When they fail they are hunted down by Crocher. Crocher is 100 feet tall on his planet, but on earth he's regular height... only he can't seem to understand this.
It is absolutely the wierdest thing I've seen in a very long time. I think I'm gonna have to go rent it.
Ohh.. and I looked it up on and apperantly it is written by Chris Matheson, the son of Richard Matheson, who is my favorite author of all time. Makes you think huh? What's that? It doesn't make you think? Oh.

Just finished my interview

Allright, I just finished with my job interview with Khols. Man was it tough pretending to be normal for a full 45 minutes. I feel dirty. But it will be all worth it if I can just get this job. Think about... I'd have it all: several friends, a low-powing part-time job, a room in my parents house... I would envy no man.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

True Grit was pretty good

I'm a big fan of westerns, and I finally got around to watching True Grit tonight. It was good, I'd say about as good as Rio Bravo. It had a couple of lines I liked alot, here they are:

John Whayne: I shot him in his lower lip
Other Guy: His lower lip? Well, what were you aiming at?
John Whayne: His upper lip

John Whayne: She left me... decided to go back to her first husband, he own a hardwear store. I told her that hoped that nail-selling bastard would make her happy this time around.

Of chorse those are from memory, so they might be a little off, but you get the idea.

Shitbox Mix: Volume 1

Allright , after a great amount of work I've created the first CD of songs designed specifically for my car. Here it is:

1. Numb as a Statue - Warren Zevon
2. Hockey Monkey - The Zambonies
3. Barbed Wire Love - Stiff Little Fingers
4. Johny 99 - Los Lobos (Bruce Springsteen Cover)
5. When I Win the Lottery - Camper Van Beethoven
6. I Never Picked Cotton - Johnny Cash
7. Hotel Yorba - The White Stripes
8. Welcome to Paradise - Greenday
9. Might - Modest Mouse
10. You've Got Another Thing Coming - Pat Boone (Judas Priest Cover)
11. Last Train to Mars - The DethHolz
12. Lounge Act - Nirvana
13. Keep on Rocking in the Free World - Neal Young (Live in Concert)
14. Bad Habbit - Offspring
15. It Makes No Sense at All - Husker Du
16. Cop Killer - Ice T
17. Last Caress - The Misfits
18. Turn Me Loose - Loverboy
19. Wild One - Iggy Pop
20. Here We Go - The Bouncing Souls
21. I Fought the Law - The Clash (Cover)
22. The Midnight Special - CCR
23. 36-24-36 - The Violent Fems
24. Big Pimpin' - Jay Z
25. Honk if Your Lonely - The Silver Jews

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I have some problems with the lyrics to Paperback Writer

Don't get me wrong, I love the Beatles, and I think it's a nice, fun song... but have you ever listened to the words to that song? First off he says that the book he's writing is based on a novel by a man named Mier. How do you write a book based on a novel? My second problem is that he states that it's about a thousand pages, and if his reviewer likes the style he can make it longer. How many 1,000 page paperbacks have you ever read? No editor in his right mind is gonna tell him to make it longer. I think I had a couple other problems but I can't remember them right now.

I Just got an interview with Khols!!!

Is that how you spell the name of that store? Oh well, anyway they called me and I have a interview friday at 11:00. This low paying job in the service industry is sure to make all my wildest dreams come true. Assuming of chorse that I get the job. Khols doesn't seem like too tough of a gig, plus most of the chicks that work at Khols are really hot. Wow, I just realize I'm using the same chriteria to choose my summer job that I used to pick my college. Well the college choice turned out great, lets hope the job one does to.

My Car Neeeds it own CD

My car is a brown 1990 Honda Civic Hatchback that was in a near-totalling crash 8 months ago. It's pretty much the best car ever. I call it the Shitbox. Anyway, I've decided to burn the greatest CD ever so I can put in my car and play it while I fly down the highway at 50 MPH with my windows down. After I get the CD made I'll come back and give you the playlist.

Has anyone heard of a band called The Zambnonis

I went to a Guster concert awhile back and The Zamobonis opened for them. All of their songs are about hockey. Perhaps you are one of those indy rock snobs who think you are above a theme band, but I am throwing my full support behind this idea. Writing all of your songs about one thing shows a great amount of dertermination. Also, I've been listening to alot of their songs and they are accrually very good. So far my two favorites are Hockey Monkey, and Slapshot Man. I suggest you all listen to them.

Movie Idea: "Little Timmy Duncan"

Okay, so my friend Zach and I came up with a really good idea for a movie. This movie is going to star NBA superstar Tim Duncan. Tim Duncan visits a 13-year-old kid in the hospital. The kid says that he loves Tim Duncan, and he would give anything just to be able to be him for one month. Tim is so moves that he says if it were possible he would be glad to change places with him for a month. Than... magically the switch bodies alla Freaky Friday. Now the thing is, this dying kid is a TOTAL jerk. He realizes he gets to be Tim Duncan and can do whatever he wants. He's showing up to games drunk. Fighting with fans in the stands. Smoking during the game. Hitting on chicks in the stands. You name it, if its bad, hes doing it. Anyway the real Tim Duncan (trapped in the kids body in the hospital) is watching all this on TV and freaking out, cause the kid is ruining his good-guy image. But Duncan thinks he can't leave the hospital cause hes sick and it my kill him. Than he learns that the kid lied to him, he wasn't dying, he was just getting his tonsils out. So Duncan breaks out of the hospital and goes looking for him. The real Duncan finds him in some Tattoo parlor at 3AM. I don't really know what's gonna happen from there on... I think I kind of wrote myself into a corner, but I feel this is really a great project.

I e-mailed this movie proposal to Tim Duncan and hope to hear back from him soon. Expect to see "Little Timmy Duncan" in a theater near you sometime within the next 6-8 years.

Onion Calander big factor in waking up every morning

So like, I've said I really have had nothing to do for going on about 8 days now. So I really have no reason to get out of bed in the morning. I've been mostly getting out of bed so I can read my onion tear away calender. If I ever break down and look ahead at the next few days I might not be able to drag myself out of bed for a week. Man, I really need to find a job, or a girlfriend, or something. In fact I'm gonna start working on that towmorrow morning!!! Unless I find something decent to watch on TV.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Found an old list of New Years Resolution

I found a list of 20 New Years Resolutions on my laptop that I believe is from 2003, or maybe 4. Anway I thought I'd go over it with you, and tell you how I'm doing on them.

1. Only where clean socks
-I'm doing pretty well on this one, I only where dirty socks when I'm going to do something that will make the socks very dirty, i.e. basketball
2. Start answering rhetorical questions
-I've acctually done pretty well on this one, incedently you should never ask me "how's it going?' unless your prepared for me to tell you
3. Try to start a bombardment club
-Sadly no, I'm not mad at myself for not starting one... but I didn't even try.
4. Use Slang from the 40's.
-I haven't been doing that, man I really need to get on the trolly tash sarnit
5. Grow two inches.
-No, and in hignsight that may have been an unrealistic goal
6. Give at least 3 people nicknames.
-I've tried to do this, but most of the nicknames haven't really stuck
7. Watch Citizen Cane
-No, and theres really no excuse
8. Find an excuse to go to Canada
9. Go ice skating
-No, this is starting to get sad
10. Be more laconic
-I have done this some... but mostly just when get angry
11. Learn how to tie complicated knots
-No, and I still really want to
12. Give people more compliments
-Not really
13. Chew gum more often
-I acctually can't chew gum anymore cause my jaw is messed up
14. Stop lying needlessly
-I've been doing this less, but sometimes I can't help myself. It's wierd because I feel the need to lie about meaningless inconccequential things, but than tell the truth about big, important things that most people lie about. It's wierd.
15. Spend more time sleeping.
-On the whole no, but just recently yes
16. Sleep somewhere besides your bed.
-On occasion I enjoy sleeping on the floor or in a chair... don't ask why because I don't know. Ohh... umm... I've done this about the same amount as I used to.
17. Start listening to people when they talk to you
-Acctually I'm getting much better on this one
18. This year finish your list of resolutions before the new year begins.
-That's right I think I wrote this list in like February. Uhh, I didn't really make a list this year because I only had a couple.

Everyone's busy and I have nothing to do

Okay, I've been off of school for like ten days now, I have no job, and I'm starting to get bored. I guess that this is evidenced from the sheer volume of posts I've been putting out lately. It seems absurd that most people are running around with a million things to do, and I'm trying to figure out how to kill the 90 minutes untill Battle of the Gridiron Stars is on. Ohh well, at least there finally gonna play dodgeball tonight.
Anyway if anyone who is overly busy happens to read this for some reason, just e-mail me and i'd be happy to do some of your work for you if it is at all possible.

I Was Reading About Boom Boom Mancini

I was reading about the fight between Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini and the Koreon boxer Du-Koo Kim. If you don't know Mancini beat Kim in 12 rounds and after the fight Kim slipped into a coma and died. The most amazing thing is that in his hotel room the night before the fight Kim wrote a note to himself that said, "Kill or be killed."
Is it really sick that this story makes me want to be a boxer?

My favorite musicians keep dying

In the past Five years Five people who are in my top 10 bands or preformers of all time have tied. George Harrison, Joey Ramone, Warren Zevon, Johnny Cash, and Johnny Ramone.
Therefore I want to state a clear warning to the older musicians who are in my top ten.
Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Kieth Richards, Mic Jager: You are all likely to die very soon!!!
Especially the last two!!!

I have a type B+ Personality

You Have A Type B+ Personality
B+ You're a pro at going with the flowYou love to kick back and take in everything life has to offerA total joy to be around, people crave your stability.While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's doneYou're passionate - just selective about your passions

This is what a computer told me about myself after I answered 20 questions. I would have trusted the results alot more if someone else had taken the test for me.
But based on the observations of this unfeeling machine I'd have to say that I'm really a pretty great guy.

I Can't Stop Saying Things Are Good For You

I was talking to my friend Zach awhile back about New Orleans. He said people there kept saying, "It's very good for you." This included when he purchased Crawdads, alchohol, and ciggarettes. Now I can't stop saying it. I'm gonna go out drinking with my friend Joe later and I'm all ready looking forward to saying it when we order our first pitcher of beer. It's very fun I suggest you try it. Just make sure you do it in a crazy N'Oleans accent.

It really makes you think

Half of all marraiges end in divorce. That's roughly 75%. The other 25% end in drunk driving accidents. The lesson is, don't get married and than drink and drive. It's a recipie for disaster.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Lyrics to "Quiet man"

I've been listening to the song Quiet Man by John Prine and I really like the lyrics, so I thought I'd post them.

Strolling down the highway with my shoes in my hand
I don't talk much, I'm a quiet man
Beuty and Silence both run deep
And I'm running like crazy while you are asleep

You got news for me
I got nothing for you
Don't pin your blues on me
Just go ahead and do
Whatever, you wish to

Last monday night I saw a fight
Between Wendsday and Thursday over Saturday night
Tuesday asked me what was going on
I said Sunday's in the medow and Friday's in the corn

You got news for me
I got nothing for you
Don't pin your blues on me
Just go ahead and do
Whatever, you wish to

Hocus pocus malajusted
Don't you think my tears get rusted
Steady loosing means you ain't useing
What you really think is right

You got news for me
I got nothing for yoy
Don't pin your blues on me
Just go ahead and do
Whatever, you wish to

Oodles of Light, what a beutiful sight
Both of God's eyes are shinging tonight
Rays and beams of incredible dreams
And I am a quiet man
(Repeat x2)

I really like that song

I thought of a good way to kill someone

OK, first things first, you're gonna have to get your hands on some of their blood. Than you take that blood and freeze it, so it becomes a bloodsicle. Than you stab that bloodsicle into the person you want to kill's neck. And that will kill them. And than the blood will melt because the inside of people is hot. So there will be no murder weapon, and theres a good chance they won't be able to convict you. Of chorse the tricky part will be not getting the persons blood all over you in the process. But I'm sure you'll think of something.
Ohh... and don't kill people.

What if a bunch of wild animals got rabies

I know this sounds bad, but I just want to see some animals have rabies. Not regular animals like dogs, or cats, or whatever... really cool animals. For starters I'd like to see a rabid Polar Bear. Can't you just imagine a rabid polar bear? It would be a ruthless killing machine. Then maybe it could attack a seal and there would be a rabid seal. Than that Seal could be eaten by a Killer Whale. And than there would be a rabid Killer Killer Whale swimming around, foaming at the mouth, and killing everything, it would be so sweet. And than finally that Killer Whale could attack a blue whale. And than the largest animal in the history of the earth would be a rabid killing-machine. That would be so awsome... tragic... but awsome.

I read something cool the other day

I'm reading this book called The Roaches Have No King by David Evan Weiss. It's pretty good, its about these roaches that are trying to get a guy to cheat on his girlfriend. Anyway the narrator is a roach named numbers and he has to use some rubber cement, I won't explain why, and he gets high from the fumes. This is the quote I like:
"I felt ridiculous; I could barely walk. In the spell of the vapors from the glue I thought about leaving terra firma to return to my roots in the sea, as the whale had. But the idea passed quickly... I could never risk becoming a developmental blunder so pathetic that humans would beg for it on bumper stickers."
Don't know why, but that just struck my fancy.

I'm worried Sonics might win this series

Allright, I think I mentioned earlier that I arbitrarilly decided to become a SuperSonics fan. However, they are now tied with the Spurs at two games a piece, and have a good chance of getting into the Western Conference finals. This makes me think, what if the Spurs make it to the championship, or even win it? Then if I start cheering for them next year, I'll look like an iddiot. I'll be that guy who just cheers for whoever is good right now. I don't want to be that guy, I want to be the guy who likes the Sonics for some unknown reason. So while of chorse I'm cheering for the Sonics while I watch them, part of me wants them to lose. It's really a very strange situation.

List: Top 40 Warren Zevon Songs

Okay, today I had about half an hour to kill, so I ranked all the Warren Zevon songs on my computer. I only want to report the ones I really like, so here's the top 40:
Keep in mind, some of these are covers that he has never recorded, but did preform live.

1. I Was in the House When the House Burned Down
2. Mr. Bad Example
3. The Factory
4. Even a Dog Can Shake Hands
5. My Rides Here
6. Rest of the Night
7. Battleship Chains
8. Numb as a Statue
9. Gorilla You're a Desperodo
10. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
11. Angel Dressed in Black
12. Iko-Iko
13. Lawyers Guns and Money
14. Piano Fighter
15. Poor Poor Pittiful Me
16. Play it All Night Long
17. Mama Couldn't Be Persuaded
18. Porcelain Monkey
19. Disorder in the House
20. Seminole Bingo
21. The Envoy
22. Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
23. Cadillac Ranch
24. A Certain Girl
25. Hit Somebody
26. Johnny Strikes Up the Band
27. Excitable Boy
28. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
29. Boom Boom Mancini
30. Jeanie Needs a Shooter
31. Werewolves of London
32. Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School
33. Life'll Kill Ya
34. Rasberry Beret
35. Splendid Isolation
36. Casey Jones
37. Sentimental Hygiene
38. Frank and Jesse James
39. For My Next Trick I'll Need a Volunteer
40. I Have to Leave

I locked my keys in my car today

As I dropped off a job application today I left my keys in my car. I needed to call my mom to have her bring me a spare key. But the phone was right by the lady who took my application and I didn't want her to hear me and think I'm some iddiot. I mean if there's one job and she can either hire a normal guy who drove away immidately, or some iddiot who's always leaving his things inside of things, who do you think she's gonna pick? So anyway I had to walk to the Home Depot and call from there. It was the first time I was forced to go to Home Depot for an unpure reason.

I Wanna go play basketball but some kids are making out

I've got some free time on my hands so I've been shooting hoops in the park that about 50 feet from my backyard. And I wanna go do that now but there are some kids sitting at a picknick table right by the court making out. If I go and play it will be really awkward. Maybe I should just go over there and start yelling at them. "Your a bunch of perverts" "You should be in school" You know, that sort of thing. Nah, I don't think I have the stones for that. I'm gonna go look out my window and see if they're gone.

I said somelthing funny about Vin Diesel

Okay, the other day somehow Vin Diesel came up the other day. And I said that Vin Diesel was The Grand Funk Railroad of film. Which I consider to be funny and entirely true. Now I just can't wait for Grand Funk Railroad to come up so I can say that Grand Funk Roalroad is the Vin Diesel of Rock N' Roll.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

List: Favorite Movies for each letter

Okay, I compiled a list of my favorite movies that start with each letter of the alphabet. In parentheses is how highly the movie ranks overall.

Apocalypse Now (32)
Big Lebowski, The (3)
Cool Hand Luke (21)
Die Hard (2)
Empire Strikes Back, The (23)
Full Metal Jacket (40)
Gladiator (9)
Hosiers (69)
Indipendence Day (43)
Jaws (28)
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (53)
Lord of the Rings the Return of the King (1)
Matrix, The (6)
Naked Gun, The (84)
Outlaw Josey Wales, The (4)
Pulp Fiction (8)
Quiet Man, The (278)
Reservior Dogs (19)
Schindler's List (31)
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (18)
Unforgiven (11)
Village, The (425)
Wrong Guy, The (26)
X-2: X-Men United (51)
Young Frankenstein (122)
Zulu (254)

Clearly someone needs to make a better movie that starts with V.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Blockbuster has new "bug the crap out of you" guy

Okay so I go into blockbuster to get this scrabble documentary (which was already rented out somehow) and the minute I walk through the door this girl that works there is all over me. First she's like, "can I help you find anything?" and I'm like, "No, I know what I'm looking for." And than she starts bugging me about the blockbuster rewards program. It's bad enough fighting off that speel everytime when I'm paying for my movies now I have to the second I walk in the door. She was whereing this red appron type thing. I really hope this isn't a new position that all blockbusters are going to have. It's like they're working the hard-sell. I expect this from a used car lot, or one of those crazy matress salesmen, but a video rental place? This is completely rediculous. I can't wait till I get netflix.

I just bought the most awsome hammer ever

Okay, so the other day I'm hanging out at menards. Anyway I'm walking around, minding my own business when I see this beg basket full of hammers for only 3.96 apiece. Now am I crazy or is that one heck of a deal? They were really nice hammers too. Rubber grip, steel poundy part, the absolute finest. Truth be told I kind of felt bad buying only one of them.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Summer's going pretty well so far

Just thought all you faithful readers might want an update on how my summers going. So far I would rate it as "very good". I've been sleeping untill 11, eating alot of free food, watching alot of movies, all-in-all not a bad deal. Of chorse sooner or later I'm gonna have to get a job, lets just hope it doesn't suck.

4th Quarter is "The Money Quarter"

OK, so the other day I'm watching the Sonics game right (Sonics won game three woo-hoo!!!). and after the third quarter the anouncer was like, "Coming up we have the fourth quarter, the money quarter." Which is the coolest thing ever because I always call things the money things. For example the best room in the house is "The Money Room". When playing trivia if you decide your going to do well for an hour that will be, "The Money Hour". Etc. Etc. And now all fourth quarters in basketball and football will be the money quarters. The third period in hockey will be the money period. And the money inning in baseball will be the eigth. I know that there are 9 innings, but the 9th inning sucks.

Shocking Lack of Blogging Lately

I've noticed there has been very little blogging going on at this site over the past few days. Now I'm not ussually one to judge, but at the risk of being unpopular I'm placing the blame squarely on you, the readers. I hope in the future you will be more conciderate, and make sure that I post more often.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

There are too many languages in the World

OK so I'm clicking on that little next blog thing and cycling through all the blogs right? Well a disturbingly high number of them are in languages other than English. I can't undertand them even a little bit. I would like to propose that we eliminate at least 14 of the languages that are commenly spoke over the next 2-3 years. A couple I would like to suggest we eliminate are Spanish and Italian.

Man, Sin City was awsome!

Hey, one of the reasons I started a blog in the first place was to say that Sin City was totally awsome. Now the biggest thing was just how it was so different from any other movie. It was just unlike any other movie, and thats so rare nowadays. And the thing is when most other movies concentrate on being different, they forget to be good. They don't spend any time thinking about plot, or characters, or diolouge; they just try to make a wierd movie. Sin City on the other hand managed to be different and good.
I would have to say that Sin City is way out in front for best movie of the year, and it will be very, very hard to catch.

I'm getting sick of Geronimo

I always really liked Geronimo, I find him very facinating. However, I'm writing a research paper about him and hes starting to piss me off. I've read so much and written so much about Geronimo that I'm ready to throw all of the Apaches out the window. I mean its like, "look at me, I did all this stuff, and you have to know ALL OF IT!" I don't know, I guess maybe its not all his fault.

Calling Deals Steals is Fun

So anyway a few minutes ago my friend Zach said that we should go to the bowling ally and see if they had any steals. I stand by that and in the future will call all deals steals.

I'm a little dissapointed in those Hot Dogs I just Ate

It's not that they were bad hot dogs. Really I can't think of a thing to say against them. It's just that they didn't quite do it for me, you know what I mean? I think I was expecting those hot dogs to fill some big gaping whole in my life. And while they were salty and warm, they still left me feeling all hollow inside.

I think I'll have hotdogs for lunch

I got some ballpark franks in the fridge, I think I'm gonna have them for lunch. I ran out of ketchup a few days ago but last night while I was loitering I got a bunch of ketchup packets from the quicktrip. Man hot dogs sound good, I wish I was eating them right now.
I'll be back later to tell you all if the hot dogs were any good.

My favorite band Names

Here is a list of what I consider to be the best band names of all time in alphabetical order:

Camper Van Beethoven
Cash Money Millionairs
Cockney Rejects
Dead Kennedys
Grand Funk Railroad
Hot Hot Heat
Husker Du
Jump Little Children
Man... or Astroman?
Screeching Weasel
The Silver Jews
Southern Culture on the Skids
Stiff Little Fingers
The Talking Heads
They Might be Giants
Velvet Underground
Wall of Voodoo

As much as I like all of these names, especially Man... or Astroman?I would still have to say that my favorite name is the band my friends came up with.
It's name was: W.E.B. DeBoysAreBackInTown.
I feel it was pretty much the best band name ever.

I've decided to get way into the Seattle Supersonics

So my friend Zach and I were at a bar watching a basketball game and we decided to pretend to like the Sonics alot. Neither of us really has a favorite basketball team so we decided we should just always act like we really like the Sonics. Were gonna buy a bunch of Sonics memorabillia such as posters and pennants and hang them all over our appartment. Right now I'm looking into getting a jersey and a hat on ebay so we can go to bars and watch Sonics games and cheer annoyingly loud. It should be fun.

I did some loitering last night

So me and my friends Zach and Jeff went down to the quick trip to do some loitering last night around 10:30. First we stood out front while Zach smoked a ciggerette. Than we went inside and looked around for about 15 minutes. I bought a hot dog and a jolly rancher, I payed with change. Than we stood outside for a while and pretended we were in eighth grade some more. Eventually I got cold and went home. Apparently Jeff and Zach hung out there for another ten or fifteen minutes and than were asked to leave. All-in-all I would have to say that it went really, really well.

Boy did I enjoy sleeping last night

So last night I went to bed and slept right. Well I gotta tell you... it was pretty great. When I went to bed I was very tired, but when I woke up this morning I wasn't. It's like a little miracle occurs every night and fixes when of my many, many problems.

Monday, May 02, 2005

It's fun to hypothetically ruin peoples' lives

Hey I was just talking about how much fun it would be to control clean cut celebreties for a year and make them do all kinds of crazy stuff. Wouldn't in be great to make Derek Jeter come to a game totally drunk. Or force Tim Duncun to Get a giant spiderweb tattoo and grow dread locks. Or maybe make Laura Bush give the finger to some cameraman.
With a little luck it would ruin there lives.

What do you think of the nickname IceWater?

So what do you think of the nickname Ice Water? I don't mean for a regular person I mean for like a basketball player. Take for example Reggie 'Ice Water' Miller. Does that sound ok? I would totally love to be called Ice Water.

I will not be using spell check

I just wanted to inform all of you that I am absolutely refusing to use spell check. I feel it is a waste of your time in mine... well OK just mine. Anyway I feel using spell check will misrepresent my spelling abilaty. If you are going to accept me and my blog you are going to have to accept our faults also... were sorry but that's just the way we are.

I've just Created a Blog!

Holy Crap, I just created a blog! There was a time when I had no blog, but now I do. Now people can gather from all over the world to listen to my stupid opinions about nothing. Anyway I just wanted to greet you, the honered reader, and say that I have a lot of great ideas to write about that will excite you senses and boggle your mind. So stay tuned for more Blogging!