Monday, May 23, 2005

Undergoing Massive List-Making

Don't know if I've mentioned how obsessed I am with making lists. Anyway, most are fairly small, but I've decided to create a somewhat longer one. I've begun ranking my favorite songs. Don't quite know how long I'll make the list... probobly around 500 or so. I think I worked on it a good six or seven hours today... I'm acctually quite exhausted. It might not make sense that I'm willing to devote so much time to this, but I'm trying to stave off bordem, and I somehow feel the need to get this done anyway. I have rated every song on my computer as 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 stars. However, unless I rank them I might accidently be in a situation where I like a 3 star better than a 4 star. It's impossible to describe how much that bothers me. Anyway, after I get the list made I'll post as much of it as I care to on the sight.


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