Friday, May 20, 2005

I Saw Part of the Wierdest Movie Today

My parents get all the pay chanels for free for a little while still. And so I was watching showtime and I saw some of this movie called Evil Alien Conquerors. I can't tell whether its funny or just wierd. I mean I was laughing, but I don't know if I was laughing at the movie or with it. It's about these two aliens who come to earth (Played by Chris Parnell from Saturday Night Live, and the guy that played Ozwald on the Drew Carry Show). Anyway there goal is to kill every human on earth by beheading within a few days. However, they have no special skills or abilaties, and they aren't very smart. When they fail they are hunted down by Crocher. Crocher is 100 feet tall on his planet, but on earth he's regular height... only he can't seem to understand this.
It is absolutely the wierdest thing I've seen in a very long time. I think I'm gonna have to go rent it.
Ohh.. and I looked it up on and apperantly it is written by Chris Matheson, the son of Richard Matheson, who is my favorite author of all time. Makes you think huh? What's that? It doesn't make you think? Oh.


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