Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Found an old list of New Years Resolution

I found a list of 20 New Years Resolutions on my laptop that I believe is from 2003, or maybe 4. Anway I thought I'd go over it with you, and tell you how I'm doing on them.

1. Only where clean socks
-I'm doing pretty well on this one, I only where dirty socks when I'm going to do something that will make the socks very dirty, i.e. basketball
2. Start answering rhetorical questions
-I've acctually done pretty well on this one, incedently you should never ask me "how's it going?' unless your prepared for me to tell you
3. Try to start a bombardment club
-Sadly no, I'm not mad at myself for not starting one... but I didn't even try.
4. Use Slang from the 40's.
-I haven't been doing that, man I really need to get on the trolly tash sarnit
5. Grow two inches.
-No, and in hignsight that may have been an unrealistic goal
6. Give at least 3 people nicknames.
-I've tried to do this, but most of the nicknames haven't really stuck
7. Watch Citizen Cane
-No, and theres really no excuse
8. Find an excuse to go to Canada
9. Go ice skating
-No, this is starting to get sad
10. Be more laconic
-I have done this some... but mostly just when get angry
11. Learn how to tie complicated knots
-No, and I still really want to
12. Give people more compliments
-Not really
13. Chew gum more often
-I acctually can't chew gum anymore cause my jaw is messed up
14. Stop lying needlessly
-I've been doing this less, but sometimes I can't help myself. It's wierd because I feel the need to lie about meaningless inconccequential things, but than tell the truth about big, important things that most people lie about. It's wierd.
15. Spend more time sleeping.
-On the whole no, but just recently yes
16. Sleep somewhere besides your bed.
-On occasion I enjoy sleeping on the floor or in a chair... don't ask why because I don't know. Ohh... umm... I've done this about the same amount as I used to.
17. Start listening to people when they talk to you
-Acctually I'm getting much better on this one
18. This year finish your list of resolutions before the new year begins.
-That's right I think I wrote this list in like February. Uhh, I didn't really make a list this year because I only had a couple.


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