Friday, May 20, 2005

Favorite Movie Conversation

I've compiled a brief list of some of my favorite movie conversations. They are not in a specific order.

- Nearly every conversation in The Big Lebowski. Off the top of my head I'll choose the "They peed on your f**king rug conversation.
- The conversation Jake and Elwood Blues have while driving through the mall.
- The first time Al Pachino's character talks to the police chief after leaving the bank in Dog Day Afternoon
- The scene from The Outlaw Josey Wales where Wales talks to and than kills the bounty hunter
- The McDonalds conversation from Pulp Fiction
- The "I don't tip" conversation from Reservior Dogs
- When Criticle Bill won't leave his appartment in Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
- Several conversations from Dazed and Confused... I'll pick the one they have smoking pot on the 50-yeard line
- Anthony Hopkins telling Alec Baldwin that they are going to kill the bear in The Edge
- The scene in Fargo where the quiet guy keeps insisting they should get flapjacks
- The scene in the church from High Noon
- The conversation Moglie has with the vultures in The Jungle Book
- When Indingo Montoya is explaining to Wesley how the three of them have to storm the gates and rescue Buttercup in The Princess Bride
- The scene in Stripes where they talk to the army recruiter
- When Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood talk about Freeman's last fight in Million Dollar Baby
- Pretty much any conversation Sean Connerey has in The Untouchables-
Pretty much any conversation Earnest Borgnine has in The Wild Bunch
- Steve Buschemi explaining to Adam Sandler how to be mean in Airheads
- Everthing the anouncers say to eachother in Best in Show
- In The Game, when Sean Penn talks to Michael Douglas in his car
- The first time Emelio Estevez talks to Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man
- When Kevin Spacey keeps saying "Go to lunch" in Glengarry Glen Ross
- When Clive Owen talks to Jackie Boy's corpse in Sin City

That's all I've got for right now.


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