Wednesday, May 10, 2006

New Car! New Car!

I bought a new car the other day. It's awsome! It was also entirely neccessary considering that my old car is basically just a 800 pound rock on some wheels right now. But my new car is sweet. It's a dodge... just like Al Bundy used to own. And while I have no knowledge of cars I can say that it has power locks, windows, a compus, and it tells me the temperature. I love it. Oh, and funny story I bought it from a drunk guy. I didn't know he was drunk at the time. My dad and I just figured he was really goofy and kind of stupid. He started out our negotiations by saying that he desperately need to sell the car to buy a truck so he could haul the pontoon boat he just bought. This seemed like a poor stratagic bargainaing desicion, but I wrote it off as stupidity. However, it was odd that he mentioned it three times. Anyway we talked to him the next day and he reported that he had "had a few drinks with his fieance" Remind me never to do that if I'm selling trying to sell a 3,000 dollar car. And in case you are wondering, yes we did talk that drunk bastard down a few hundred dollars.


Blogger Jennifer said...

He's going to hate himself when he sobers up. Bwa ha hah.

5:06 PM  

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