Monday, April 24, 2006

Bowling For Soup Was a pretty good time

We got back from the poker tournament relatively late. This is because a) I won the tournament of champions and thus had to stay untill the end around 7:00 and b) Shannon's car wouldn't start and we had to get it jumped. Thus we decided we would skip the opening act. This was not that big of a problem because the opening band was Hooch and a) Shannon had already seen Hooch before and b) I had no desire to see them. However we got there drunk and in time to see all of Bowling for Soup. They were very fun if not perticularlly impressive musicians. Also the fat guy who played lead guitar liked to try to throw his pick behind his back and catch it. He succeeded roughly 60% of the time. However, as he did this roughly 8 times a song he needed to have a supply of 10-15 picks attached to his microphone, which was replaced every 3 or 4 songs. Shannon and I actually ended up being very close to the stage. We decided midway through the concert to try to get closer from the far side of the gym, away from where the doors are. By doing this we got to where there were about 6 rows of people standing in front of us. At this point three people standing in front of us promptly left. About half an hour later a girl in front of us had a siezure and the group in front of us carried her away. This was bad for her, and acctually a little scary as I had never seen someone have a siezure before, but still, it did get us into the 5th row, right in front of the fat guy. Overall the concert was very good. I'd say their best performances were on the songs Punk Rock 101, Ohio, and their closer... 1985.


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