Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm beginning to see everything as broken

Last tuesday at an event celebrating the birth of Zach 23 years ago my computer was broken. It was broken by a Jane, who was obviously quite drunk. As she has appologized and promised to pay whatever it costs to have it fixed I am not too concerned. However, in the past 2 days I have spent quite a lot of time on my computer, looking at the broken jagged screen. Now, when I look up from the computer everything looks wierd becasue it is not cracked and jagged. Thus my mind kind of fills everything in with wiered broken glass lines in front of everything. This reminds me of a little while ago when Shannon told be all she could see when she looked at anyone was snood... and tried to imagine how she could bounce snoods off walls to make peoples heads dissapear. I think that's kind of whats happening to me. I suppose I should probobly get the screen fixed, but than again I am very lazy. I guess I'm gonna have to think this one over.


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