Monday, April 03, 2006

Rankings! Rankings! Movie Rankings!

Capote, 2005
Yes, Phillup Seymour Hoffman deserved the oscar for this movie. This was a very well made movie, the best feature of which was the acting which was great all around, and inspired by Hoffman. The reason that it didn't do better was that in parts it was a little slow. The movie is a great character study looking at the morals and motives of booth Truman Capote himself, and the killer he is interviewing. However, theres just some scenes in this movie that I don't really feel need to be there. When I got to the movie I kind of was glad it was very because I was beginning to get bored, I can say that about good movies, but not great ones.
7/10, 18th out of 42 movies for 2005, 140th best of 2000s, 432nd best all time

Capturing the Friedmans, 2003
Very good documentary studying something as simple and complex as an average American family. Of chorse this particular American family has 2 men accused of raping of dozens of boys over a period of several years. This movie does a great job of jerking you back and forth. At first you'll be positive they're guilty, than positive they're innocent, than positive that the dad is guilty but the son is innocent, than you'll think they're both guilty but the charges are exaggerated. And in the end you have no more of an idea of the truth than you did when you started. This is a very interesting way to do a documentary, but it leaves you feeling stragely unsatisfied. Documentaries ussually have an assertion about something, and try to prove that assurtion. I don't think the film makers have any more of an idea about the truth in this case than I do. And while I hate to say that I like to be told what to think, when I'm watching a documentary, I kind of like to be told what to think... and than decide later if I want to think that way or not. This was just barrells full of contradicting information from many different sources. Thus the movie was innovative, fascinating, but slightly less enjoyable than it could have been.
6/10, 32nd out of 71 movies for 2003, 461st overall

Carnival of Souls, 1962
First off I want to say that I owe this movie a lot. This movie along with "Night of the Living Dead" and "The Last Man on Earth" helped to create what would later be known as the Zombie genre of horror movies. Thus I thought it would be good to see this movie. The problem, which I freely admit is not this movies fault, is that because it was creating the zombie genre, it didn't really have to try to do anything big. It just showed us some zombies, put them in a vaugly creepy setting, and figured that would be enough. And if this was the first zombie movie I had ever seen, it probobly would have been. The problem is, everything in this movie, I have seen in at least 3-4 other movies. Now, while perhaps that isn't fair since this movie was made before them, it still made the movie impossible to enjoy. Also, the acting was just plain terrible.
3/10, 4th out of 4 movies for 1962, 32nd* of the 1960s, 1088th of all time.
*just so you know that's 32 out of 32 movies for the 1960s, I know, I really need to see some more old movies.

The Hills Have Eyes, 2006
Horay! My first movie of 2006! And guess what? It's actually very good. Always nice to start a year of on a good note. This movie has a very good plot, a creepy setting, and a lot of good ideas for a horror movie. The villians are actually very scary, which you can't say of most horror movies any more. You end up feeling horrible for their victims, even though you don't particularlly like most of those victims. It also contained what is likely one of my top 20 one on one fights from any movie ever. It may even be able to sneek in to the top 10, I'd have to make the list to be sure. That being said, the acting wasn't great, and it was a little slow at the beginning. However, I really did like this movie quite a bit, and it managed to do something that a scary movie hasn't done in quite a while... it scared me.
7/10, 1st out of 1 movie for 2006, 115th for the 2000s, 398th of all time

Upcoming Rankings:
Flight Plan, 2005
Just Friends, 2005
Titanic, 1997
V for Vandetta, 2006


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