Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I Got Your Rankings Right Here Pal


Flight Plan, 2005
When I picked this movie out to watch I was thinking that I wanted to watch a movie that I wouldn't really have to think about. This movie turned out to be perfect. I'll be honest with you, ther isn't a whole lot I could tell you about this movie that would make you want to watch it, and there isn't a lot I could tell you about it that would make you not want to watch it. Basically if you have an hour and a half to kill, and you've seen everything else that's any good, than this one might not be a bad pick.
5/10, 39 out of 44 movies for 2005, 266th best movie of the 2000s, 793 all time

Just Friends, 2005
This movie was mostly stupid but with a few really good lines. Ryan Reynolds does a pretty good job. Chris Cline is also very funny as is Anna Ferris. However I would have to say the funniest character in the movie is the guy who plays Ryan Reynolds friend from high school. The actor isn't famous or anything, but I think I'll look him up to see if he was in anything else. He had some of the funniest lines in the movie. Yeah so basically you have to watch a 90 minute movie to laugh pretty hard 3 or 4 times. Is it worth it? I'll let you decide.
5/10, 35 out of 44 movies for 2005, 234th best movie of 2000s, 700 all time

Titanic, 1997
People would talk about Titanic, I would say, "I've never seen it." They woud say, "why won't you see it?" I'd say, "I don't really have anything against seeing it. I just don't think I'll like it that much." I figured it would probobly be a 5 or a 6. Why spend 3 hours watching a 5 or a 6 when I can pick out any random short movie in the video store and it will probobly be a 5 or a 6. Well I finally saw it and you know what... it was good! I had heard a lot of shit talked about this movie, ut on the other hand it won all those oscars... I didn't really know what to expect. But I gotta say it was pretty good. Nice acting, good plot, pretty good character development... really a pretty enjoyable watch. I'm not beating myself up for taking so long to watch it or anything, but I'm also glad to finally have it watched.
7/10, 14 out of 55 movies for 1997, 129th of 1990s, 367 all time

V for Vendetta, 2006
This movie may have been better than I ranked it. Firstly I had already read the book, and only a day or two before I saw the movie at that. This ussually hurts the chances of me loving a movie. Also, I may have built it up to much, I was expecting something so great that I wasn't as happy with the very good movie that I got as I should have been. That being said, I did enjoy the movie, and fuilt that it was done extremely well. I'm deffinately going to see this movie again, and if you haven't read the book you'd probobly enjoy the movie even more than I did.
7/10, 1 out of 2 for 2006, 101st for 2000s, 316 all time

Upcoming Reviews/Rankings:
The Aristocrats, 2005
Good Night and Good Luck, 2005
Inside Man, 2006
Two Men Went to War, 2002

TV Shows:

Entourage, 29th favorite show of all time
And that's from just 8 episodes. I really enjoyed watching this show. It's very funny and just plain fun to watch. I would say my favorite thing about this show are the characters. I think Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon) and Ari (Jeremey Pivon) are both among my top 40 TV characters of all time. I can't wait untill the season 2 DVD comes out (June). Deffinately a great show with potential to get even better.


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Have you noticed that seemingly everyone else in the world loved "V for Vendetta"...I wonder if there's something wrong with us? Or are people just overexcited about stuff?

8:41 AM  
Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

Well, as I said I feel I would have liked it better if I hadn't read the book. Althugh it is difficult to speculate I bet if I hadn't read the book yet it could have gone from a high 7 to a high 8. That being said, I think there was deffinately some missed potential here.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Merce said...

please don't comment on my blog anymore

1:01 PM  
Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Hmm, I think Ms. Mercedes should realize that since you have no problem murdering and eating defenseless animals that she shouldn't mess with you...

4:24 PM  

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