Wednesday, April 05, 2006


While I wouldn't say that the Onion horroscopes have ever been my favorite portion of the Onion, I have always found them enjoyable. Beyond that, I felt that they were the section of the paper that I would be most profiecent in writiting. As such I have always wanted to try writing them, and have done just that. Now I am sure they will not be as good as the onions... they have a whole team of writers and probobly write about 100 every week and only keep the best 12, where as I just used the first 12 I thought of. But I have made my list, and while they are not all great there are a few good ones in there. Anyway I'll allow you all to judge for yourself:

Aries: Your bookie's decsision to break your legs will seem somewhat extreme seeing as how all you owe him is a stick of gum.

Taurus: Although you were already somwhat disgusted by your sexual fantasies about Gilbert Godfrey, you will be even more distrubed when you remember that he is your father.

Gemini: You will be labled as "misguided" when you attempt to prove that whales are mammels by giving every damn one of the rabbies.

Cancer: You will stop lauging at the ludacris sentance the judge hands down when someone explains to you what the phrase "drawn and quartered" means.

Leo: Your race for governor will be hurt when you sign a petition to "save the bears of Montana", not realizing that "bears of Montana" refers to a local gay strip club.

Virgo: The Time is right, Saturns moons are alligned, get off your fat ass and make me some popcorn!

Libra: Your death will be seen as either tragic or heroic depending on wheter or not that couch was really worth saving.

Scorpio: A trip to a local mental health facilaty will teach you that women do in fact go crazy for a sharp dressed man.

Sagittarius: You will meet a very attractive member of the opposite sex, too bad you are extremely, extremely gay.

Capricorn: You will face challanges this week when your plan to introduce New Wave music to the tribe goes horibally awry.

Aquarius: You will begin to understand how a man ears a nickname like "sodomizing Rodney".

Pices: You would have better luck with women if you would stop telling them all that you're Danna Carvey... you are clearly David Spade.


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Your horoscopes are ridiculous! My bookie owes ME a stick of gum!

11:39 AM  
Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

I am already well aware of that seeing as I am in fact your bookie.

12:04 PM  
Blogger ZT Krugman said...

True...spearmint by tomorrow or you'll never see you daughter alive again...

12:06 PM  

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