Monday, April 24, 2006

Top 10 Songs I've Seen Preformed In Concert.

I do not mean to say strictly that these are the songs I like best and have seen live. I mean these were the most fun experieces I’ve ever had while seeing a particular song played live in a real concert.

1. Loser, Beck. I saw Beck play at the Patriot Center in 10th grade on his Midnight Vultures tour. The whole show was awsome, but this was my favorite song of all time being preformed by my than favorite artist. For everyone that does in fact have a favorite song this is simply a must-have experience. I look at all of the songs that I love that I'll never get to see live by the original singer... I'll never see Warren Zevon sing Mr. Bad Example, I'll never see Nirvana sing Lounge Act, I'll never see the Ramones Sing Blitzkrieg Bop, and I'll never see Johnny Cash sing I Never Picked Cotton. But even know I know all this, it hurts a little less because I know that while I love these songs, there not my favorite song... Loser is, and I saw Beck sing it.

2. Stevie Nix, The Hold Steady. We saw the Hold Steady play in Madison for Holloween this year. It was awsome, Craig Finn of the Hold Steady was probobly the only person there who was drunker than I was. After the show he complemented my costume and asked to have his picture taken with me. The picture is of me kissing the side of head with a spoon taped to my head. Anywho, easily the best song of the night was Stevie Nix, which is of chorse why I kept repeating lines from it all night. I think it went on for about 20 minutes with Craig Finn repeating random lines from it up to 20 times each. A truly great musical experience.

3. Hockey Monkey, The Zambonies. I went to see Guster last year, and while I liked Guster a lot, I liked the opening band, The Zambonies even better. They introduced the song "Hockey Monkey" by saying, "we realized that for this tour we either had enough money to hire a manager for the band, or buy a big monkey suit... we went with the monkey suit" It was a good desicion. I had never heard the song before and I had most of it memorized by the time they finished playing it, I absolutely love it now. I really want to go see them again now that I actually know a good number of their songs.

4. Debra, Beck. Same concert as before. I believe it was during his "Little Red Corvette" tour that prince had a bed covered in silk sheets lowered down onto the stage and sang several songs rolling around in its sheets. I never saw prince do this, but I did see Beck doing this, whereing jeans and hooded sweatshirt, while singing the line, "ooooooohhhhh girl, I just wanna get with you and your sister... I think her name is Debra." I can't by any means call Debra one of my favorite songs, but I can definately call it one of my favorite preformcances.

5. Fa Fa Fa, Guster. While they were setting up between bands at this concert they added a second humongous (perhaps 30 piece) drum set to the side of the stage. I asked the person next to me, "what do you think that's for?" It was for the song Fa Fa Fa. When I'm at a concert I never really look at the drummer much. However, I did at the Guster concert, mainly because Guster's drummer doesn't use drum sticks, which is simply awsome to watch. And during this particular song it was impossible to watch anything else.

6. Proud to Be an American, Lee Greenwood. You are probobly wondering why this song is on the list. But I'm going to assume two things right off the bat if your wondering that. 1. I'm going to assume you've never seen Lee Greenwood sing this song live. and 2. I'm going to assume that if you did their weren't things exploding everywhere. Lee Greenwood can't be properly enjoyed without explosions. I saw Lee Greenwood at Madison's Rythym and Booms back in High School. Easily the best fireworks display I've ever seen. Most of the time I'm not a terribelly big fan of this song, but I gaurentee you I was that night.

7. Monkey Wrench, Foo Fighters. Foo Fighters just plain put on an awsome show. I could have really put most of their songs in this spot, but this one sticks out most clearly in my mind. I know the band always says that its a great crowd and everything, but nobody needed to say it this time... we were an awsome crowd. People were excited, they jumped around, they screamed... basically it was a concert. And it was a hell of a lot of fun, especially with songs everybody knew like this one.

8. I Predict a Riot, Kaiser Chiefs. This song would be higher on the list except that I had never heard the song before that night, and I was still stuck in the stands at this point. However, Kaiser Chiefs really put on a great show, and this song is simply awsome live. A Riot didn't break out, but I wouldn't have been that surprised if it had... I certainly wanted to riot at least a little. I mean I didn't want to kill anyone or anything, but the song deffinately made me want to knock over a police barricade or set a trash can on fire or something. It was awsome.

9. Sex Laws, Beck. This was the midnight vultures tour, so Beck closed with this song. It went on for well over a half an hour. Everyone on stage put on eleborate costumes, did elaborate guitar tricks, danced, sang, and threw a lot of shit into the audience (my friend caught a drum stick). It was a truly great end to the best concert I've ever been to.

10. Ohio, Bowling for Soup. Easily my favorite song they sing. It also came at the perfect point. I desperately had to go to the bathroom and decided I'd stick it out for one my song so I didn't have to give up my good spot in the crowd in case they sang Ohio. And wouldn't you know it that the next song was Ohio. I sang loudly, I jumped up and down like an iddiot, it was a very good time. Perhaps the only reason this song made the list was because I just saw it yesterday, but I don't care... it was still awesome.


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