Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Went a little Errand Crazy this Afternoon

First off I had to return anit-bordem supplies to two video stores and the library. I also went to the bank to cash a check and transfer some money into my dwindeling checking account. I than traveled into Madison to go to Best Buy to return something and by my sister a birthday. Which brings me to the most interesting stop on my little tour.

I went to Boarders Bookstore to try out my plan. Upon realizing that your average graphic novel could be read in about 2 hours I thought that I could simply read many of the shorter graphic novels in bookstores and than put them back on the shelf when I was done. I tried it this afternoon. I went to the coffe shop and bought a soda (I hate coffee) and sat down with my copy of Dark Days, a graphic novel about vampires which was roughly 140 pages long. I read the entire thing in a little over 45 minutes. I hadn't even finished my soda yet. None of the people that worked in the store hassled me. I assume they never do because everyone in the coffe shop seating area seemed to be doing the exact same thing as me. I think this could be come an exciting new practice for me. The only problem is that I don't believe Winona has a Boarders or a Barns and Noble or anything like that. I guess I'm gonna have to drive into LaCrosse to do this. I suppose it could be a nice little expedition for me though... 25 minute drive to LaCrosse, an hour at the book store, 25 minute drive back... could be a pretty nice afternoon really, especially on days when I don't have a netflix disc. I guess we'll wait and see on this one.


Blogger Dennis R. Plummer said...

Enjoyed seeing your comment on my blog. Checked yours out and was excited to see the strong musical interest. Well...excited by your taste in music, anyway.

Of your list (which I like a lot), I particularly enjoy Warren Zevon, Bruce Springsteen, John Prine, Johnny Cash, Steve Earle, Queen and Bob Dylan. I'm a bit of a Dylan fanatic. Will have to check out your other recommendations.

What software are you using to rate the artists? (I've been in Real Player on my PC, and am very slowly converting to Mac, musicwise.

9:55 PM  

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