Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Problem of Graphic Novels

You see I forgot to mention this but since getting back from break of also read three Graphic Novels: A History of Violence and Sin City volume 1 and 2. These were all very good and I enjoyed reading them. The problem is that I don't know how to rate them within my existing systems. I could put them in novels, but that seems unfair because these only take like 90 minutes to 2 hours to read while a novel can take days. However, it also seems unfair to rate them with short stories because those stories have to tell everything in only a few pages while these graphic novles get like 200-300 pages to tell their stories. I could put them in thier own list but seeing as how these are the first 3 I ever read this is going to be a piss-poor list for a very long time, at least untill I've read 20-30 graphic novels, which could be years from now. I think right now I'm planning on ranking them with novels, they might do better there than I expect. I know they'd destroy most of the competition in the short story list (all three may rank in the top ten there) so I can't put them on that list. I guess I'll just have to look in to it.

Breaking News Update: I'm being told by my sources that this is now the 4th nerdiest post I have ever put up here. What? My post about ranking graphic novels is only 4th? Wow, I really am a nerd.


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