Friday, December 02, 2005

Survey I stole from Zach

heres a pretty nifty survvey I just swiped from Zach's website.

1-What time did you get up this morning? 7 Am
2-Diamonds or pearls? Oh Diamonds all the way
3-What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire… great
4-What is your favorite tv show? It’s always been the Simpsons but there no good anymore. Deadwood is probobly the best show on TV right now
5-What do you usually have for breakfast? Whatever chips or crachers or whatver is lying around
6-Favorite food? Sandwhiches and lobster
7-What foods do you dislike? Anything minty
8-What is your favorite chip flavor? Taco Dorritos
9-What is your favorite CD at the moment? My “I Wanna Rock Your Body” Mixed CD
10-What kind of car do you drive? 92’ Honda Civic Hatchback
11-Favorite sandwich? Thanksgiving sandwhich
12-What characteristic do you despise? smugness
13-Favorite item of outfit? If you mean the one I’m whereing now… shirt
14-If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Alaska
15-What color is your bathroom? Dirty White
16-Favorite brand of clothing? Uhh… probobly American Eagle
17-Where would you retire to? Wife…kids…grandkids…maybe an RV if things go well
18-Favorite sport to watch? Basketball
19-When is your birthday? February 18
20-Favorite flowers? Posies
21-Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
22-What did you want to be when you were little? accountant
23-How are you today? Feeling pretty good at the moment acctually
24-What is a date on your calendar you are looking forward to? Christmas I guess


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