Monday, December 26, 2005

Ratings Updates

I have put a lot of time in to ranking some back-lotted books, songs, and movies. And while nobody probobly really cares about this I feel like sharing.
Here are what I consider to be the most important updates:

The Slaughterhouse by Echeivera came in as my 56th favorite short story of all time, not bad for something I was forced to read for class, and a 100-level class at that.

Somewhat dissapointing result for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It came in at 39th, which is pretty good in-of-itsself, but its the second lowest ranked Harry Potter book better only than the dissapointing Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Some highly rated movies that just got added to the list:
139. Evil Alien Conquerors
172. The 40 Year Old Virgin
188. The Wedding Crashers

Now the MOST important updates have been to my music list.
Two songs were added to the list that rate higher than anything added since the list was created at the begining of the semester.
54. Tomestone Blues, Bob Dylan
64. Cattle and the Creeping things, The Hold Steady.

Needless to say these two newly ranked items reeked havoc on my bands list seeing as they each garnered their respective singers nearly 450 points each.

Bob Dylan, in spite of several two star songs and the 4 star song Subterranean Homesick Blues was previously unable to crack the top 50 (just barely). But with the Addition of these new points Bob Dylan is now ranked at 36th with an impressive 876 points.

Now I had been quite curious where the Hold Steady would end up after I ranked all of their songs. Unfortunately it appears that the Hold Steady are one of those bands that I would like to rank significantly higher than the points their songs have earned actually allow me to. The Hold Steady scored a dissapointing 777 points, which put them in 42nd place. This definately is well below where I would like to put them meaning the Hold Steady are in the same shoes as such bands as The Rolling Stones (17th), The Velvet Underground (22nd) Man... or Astroman (27th), Queen (30th), or The Zambonies (44th). Of chorse I have no one to blame for this but myself. Myself and my liking for bands that I wish I didn't like nearly as much as I do: Rage Against the Machine (9th), The Offspring (18th), Greenday (28th), Blink 182 (48th). Man that last one really hurts.

Anyway thats about it, wow that turned into a rather long post.


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