Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm Considering a New Form of Communication

I've grown weary 0f concvercing through traditional methods. What I am no considering is communicating through a seriese of numbers. Here is how it would work. I would come up with a list of 200-300 words, phrases, and sentences that I commonly used. These numbers and corresponding phrases would form my speaking database. Than everyone I know would have to memorize that database, and they would understand what I meant. I feel this is an excellent idea, and have been working on the list for some thime.
Heres what I have so far:

1. Yes
2. No
3. Hey, hows it going?
4. Fantastic!
5. Oh, you know, this and that.
6. Not to much actually.
7. We could watch a movie.
8. I don't care.
9. How do I know you again?
10. That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard.
11. How many times do I have to explain that I WON!
12. I already explained that... it was a scavenger hunt.
13. Hey... I should be mad at you.
14. I dont care... he doesn't care... we're all gonna die!
15. Come again?
16. Pass the ketchup.
17. Of chorse we have ketchup.
18. Did you look in the kitchen?
19. Well get off your fat ass and go to the kitchen and get me the damn ketchup!
20. I guess we should just split up and hope for the best.
21. I told you that bitch was crazy.
22. Uh-huh.
23. Sounds great.
24. I'd believe it.
25. Sweet Sassy Mo-Lassy!
26. Your Bringing Me Down Man!!!
27. My ideas are appropriate and good.
28. Entertain me.
29. Yeah I think I read that somewhere.
30. Like all those Hippies down in Austin wearing orange and sipping Tea!!!
31. Your Phones ringing dude.
32. Well this is quite a predicament.
33. Just drink more.
34. Happy Birthday Grandma.
35. Do you think I'd be more successful If I had people call me Mr. Beefy?
36. And than had a lot of shirts and coffe mugs made up that all said Mr. Beefy on them?
37. Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, oh baby.
38. Of chorse you may not.
39. This is just like the time I killed that guy.
40. No, I was just clearing my throat.
41. Welp, see you later!
42. Cool Runnings.
43. Don't you think you've had enough to drink Jeff?
44. So what's the special today?
45. Dude, can we get a ride?
46. Doesn't it look better with a bayonet?
47. I don't care.
48. Silly Rabbit, tripping is for teenagers, murder is for murderers and hard drugs are for bartenders.
49. I think it was like a six out of ten.
50. Dude, I need my power cord back.
51. You know you make an excellent point about boobs.
52. Are you guys watching the game?
53. Actually I kinda gotta take a shower so...
54. Shouldn't you be in left field?
55. You mean the ugly one?
56. Tacos?
57. Look you don't have the kind of income that I do, and you've never even seen my amazing rocket car.
58. OK Shanron Thumb.
59. This is important for reasons that can not be explained by man.
60. No I am the one who wants jeans!
61. (screaming) WHERE IS MY PDA!!!!!!!
62. Wow that escallated quickly.
63. I told you I don't do dishes.
64. Turn of the damn carpenters.
65. Huey Lewis is completely unappreciated in his era.
66. I am not a racist, I hate that word as much as you... but it was a TRIPPLE WORD SCORE!
67. This is a piece of news that makes me quesiont the meaning of my own existnce.
68. This is not a problem.
69. You will die in agony!
70. Uhh lets see... I'll take 12 zesty ranch and 6 Honey Barbeque
71. Dude I came up with the BEST idea ofr a movie.
72. Hey check out this cartoon I drew in class today.
72. Dude I gotta pee... are you just making faces in the mirror again?
73. You're crazy, the rolling stones are SOOO much better than the who.
74. Nahh, I don't feel like it... you wanna just watch Sin City again?
75. So what have you been up to?
76. Me? I've been listening to Warren Zevon alone in the dark for the past two hours.
77. No there not coming... Zach went home for the weekend and Jeff is studying.
78. Did you remember to tape arrested Development?
79. He's shooting at us man!
80. The only thing we have to fear is fear its self... and bees.
81. 47.
82. Baseball?
83. You wanna take this outside?
84. No, I quit.
85. Allright, one couldn't hurt.
86. I don't care what I said, just shut up and give me another one.
87. Look your not my fucking mom alright, now shut up and give me another chicken fried steak.
88. No I'm pretty much set for envelopes... thanks though.
89. Yeah, I liked it.
90. No man, he is Guster Drunk.
91. Tatter-Tot Cassarole.
92. I'm all in.
93. That's why I have TWO feet, dumbass.
94. Oh man towmorrow we are gonna be able to watch 3 episodes of Homicide and 2 episodes of Deadwood... life is sweet.
95. No, I'm pretty sure it was Pat Bennetar.
96. This reminds me of something but I can't say what.
97. And your not a stickler of a tickler.
98. And so thats ANOTHER law suit I'm facing.
99. As the voice of reason I insist you skip class to drink with us.
100. Well, I finished another list.


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