Friday, December 30, 2005

Something I found Strange

I'm really into two singers at the moment. One would be alternative country singer Robert Earl Kean. I am especially liking the songs "feeling good again" and "Merry Christmas From the Family". The other is Steve Earle who drifts in between alternative country and the regular kind of country. Right now from him I'm really enjoying "Ain't no Liquor in this Town" and his amazing cover of Nirvana's "Breed". I thought it odd that I I was currently into two artists who have Earl in their name. I mean how many singers in the entire world have the name Earl in their name? So that was strange enough untill I listened to Robert Earl Kean song "Everclear" (great song by the way). Anywho, Robert Earl actually MENTIONS Steve Earl in this song. He says when he drinks everclear it makes him feel cooler than Steve Earle (I guess Steve Earle is cool or something). So there we have two conections between the two artists I'm listening to the most right now. Coincidence? Or something far more sinister? You be the judge. No scratch that. I'm the judge. It's sinister.


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Even more sinister is that Steve Earl is known in Germany as "Mr. Sinister"

This has never been adequately explained, though it might have something to do with drinking Everclear...

9:01 PM  
Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

He's Mr. Sinister? That explains so much. Cause I heard this song by him one time that kept on talking about hair sinister, which didn't make any sense. So I guess what he meant was Herr Sinister. OK, now everything is falling into place.

3:52 PM  

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