Sunday, January 08, 2006

Chicago Seemed Tired Last Night

So a couple days ago I get a call a few minutes after midnight. Zach tells me he's leaving for Chicago in a little under 8 hours and asks me if I want to come with him. I decide that I do in fact want to go with him. I was very excited to go to Chicago because I had never been there and was getting a free hotel room. While in Chicago I did the following things:
1. Ate some delicous Popeyes Chicken
2. Went to a number of loud sports bars
3. Went to a very fancy bar where the following occured. An employee asks me to take my top gun hat off. Politelly appollogized and took my top gun hat off. Waited 5 miuntes. Put the hat back on. Repeat.
4. Hugged a homeless man
5. Licked Wrigly field
6. Beat Zach at Fussball
7. Sang Bob Dylan Songs on the L Train
8. Had a cab get its fee up to 2 dollars and 80 cents while we were still in the parking lot of the hotel where it picked us up.
9. Had a very good time.

Anyway on the whole I would mark the night as a success and will go directly back to Chicago the first chance I get.


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