Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jobs Jobs Jobs

My guess is I'm looking at two job possibillities for this summer. One job I have already been offered. It involves displaying central air filtration systems to people who have signed up for a free demonstration. The key demographic would be for people with allergies, people having problems with pet dander, and companies that deal in hazzardous chemicals. I realize this sounds like a job that a lot of people would hate, but I think I would really love it. I take pride in my abilaty to throw myself 100 percent into whatever I'm doing, and something really appeals to me about diving head first into utter acceptance and support of a product as random as an air filtration system. Also the money would be good. Every week I'd work about 30 hours and show 7 air filtration systems. If I sold none I'd make 270 dollars. If I sold one 350. If I sold 2, 650. And I'd earn an additional 300 dollars for every unit I sold. Which would be pretty sweet.
Now the other job would be a little bit different. I'd be working one on one with mentally handicapped children and adults. I'd help the in two areas: working on teaching them life skills such as doing dishes, laundry, cooking meals, etc. And also working on their social skills to help them meet new people, make friends, and even just to get out of the house. I also think many people would hate this job, but that I would enjoy it. Not only do I think I would enjoy it but I'm sure I could learn a ton working with the mentally handicapped, and this experience would look great for a teaching interview. But the biggest thing is I feel with this job that I would really be making a difference, which is important to me. Both of these jobs appeal to me in very different ways. I don't have the job with the mentally handicapped yet, so I may not even have to choose. I'll let you know what happens.


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