Saturday, January 14, 2006

An important question I've been pondering

Zach asked me and Jeff a series of question from a new book he aquired called sex, drugs, and coco puffs. While many of the questions were interesting and thought-provocing there is one that really stuck with me.

Lets say there was an extrodinarilly intellegant gorilla. While the gorilla could not speak it had a sign language vocabulary of over 12,000 words. It had an IQ of 85 and showed signs of being self-aware. Now this gorilla has one dream in life, to be a professional football player in the NFL. Monday Night Football announcer John Madden has theorized that placed at the defensive lineman position the gorilla would be, "nearly unblockable" and would likely average six sacks a game. Keep in mind that the Gorilla has promised never to intentionally hurt another player. You are the commisioner of the NFL. Should you allow the Gorilla to sign with the Oakland Raiders and play in the NFL?

Now my gut reaction to this was to say no. Primarilly because it violates the NFL rule that all players must be three years out of high school. Also because to spite its best efforts the gorilla would likely injure other players nearly every game whether it tried to or not. However, lately I've come to realize something else. The gorilla could use the fame it would gain as the greatest defensive lineman in the history of the world as a spring-board in to a locrative carear in the film industry. I would hate to deprive the world of one of the greatest possibilities for brilliant monkey acting in the history of the world. Furthermore he could likely star in a feature film version of the Warren Zevon song, "Gorilla Your a Desperado". It would seem the answers to lifes most burning questions are not as easy to answer as you might first suspect.


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

You know...even if you ruled against the gorilla, Al Davis would find someway to get him on the team...possibly by threatening to move the team to saskatchuan...

4:35 PM  

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