Saturday, March 18, 2006


End of a very difficult week of classes. No classes on friday but I did have to get get up early to finish a paper that was due at noon for my Age of Jackson class. Spent most of Firday just sort of hanging out, winding down, and packing for spring break.
Later that eventing I played in the poker tournament. I think I got roughly the worst cards I have ever had. I played an hour and 15 minutes. My best starting cards were an ace and a three, never caught a pair, never won a hand. This was somewhat discincerning since I planned to play poker in Las Vegas.
After that a group of us went to see "The Hills Have Eyes". Unfortunately this movie had large stretches of time where nothing interesting happened, however the parts that did have things happening were very good. For one thing there is a fight scene between two of the characters (Doug and Jupiter I believe their names were) that is likely to make my forthcoming list of the best movie fight scenes of all time. Also although I do enjoy horror films, I don't find most of them to be all that scary. This movie however was in fact very creepy and actually did scare me a little bit, which is always fun.


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