Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Another thing I miss about television...

Comercials that change the words to songs to make them about their product. This came up because I remember a comercial that used the song "get off of my cloud" by the Rolling Stones. But I can't remember for the life of me what product that was. However this got me thinking about other songs like that. One that stuck out was the version of "The Wanderer". The Line from the song goes, "I'm the wanderer, yeah I'm the wanderer" The commercial changed it to, "I'm the snake light, from black and decker" Is it just me or are these two statements not similar to eachother in anyway? Shouldn't it at least rhyme or something? These don't evan sound similar except for having roughly the same number of syllabals. And now for the funniest sentence ever created in the history of the world... "who are the ad-wizzards who came up with this one?"


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