Sunday, February 26, 2006

Rated some important movies

Four movies all in a row, all seven or above... doesn't happen every day.

Grizzly Man, 7/10, 16th best movie of 2005, 424th best movie of all time.
Not ranked particularlly high I know, but still one of the higher documentaries on my list. I guess I thought this movie was more intruiging than good. The movie tackels fairly deep issues about man's role in the world and his place in nature. I really appreciated that the director Herzog chose as his subject a man (Timothy Tredwell) who he strongly disagreed with on many of the issues this film tackeled. I also got the feeling Herzog didn't evan particularlly like Timothey (I know I couldn't have standing talking to him for more than 3-5 minutes if I had met him). I personally disagreed wholeheartedly with Tredwell and Herzog but liked the movie anyway. Even if your not it for the philisophical junk the shots of the Alaskan wilderness are beutiful and Bears are just plain fun. It's no Murderball but its good... go see it!

Oldboy, 9/10, 5th best movie of 2003, 97th best movie of all time. This makes it the best movie I had seen since Sin City which makes it the best movie I had seen in about 9 months (that's rate I liked it better than A History of Violence). This is now the second highest ranked forign film of all time after only City of God. Just a wonderful movie... great action scenes, great plot, freaky as all hall, brilliant twist. Good enough to make me want to check out some other Korean movies. I heard that the American version is supposed to come out this year. I am simultaneously excited to see it, and fairly sure it will suck... still, I can't wait to see who they cast in it.

Munich, 8/10, 3rd best of 2005, 132nd best movie of all time. This movie fell only three spots short of a 9/10. I really liked this movie, probobly one of the fairest war movies I've ever seen. There have been movies before that refuse to take sides. But in those movies it mostly seems that they try to make the message, "everyone is evil, there are no good guys, everyone just wants to kill everybody." This movie is more on the side of saying that everyone is pretty okay. All these people involved in terrorism or anti-terrorist espeonaige or killing or war... they aren't fighting cause they want to kill people, they all have something to fight for, something that's extremely important to them. This movie doesn't really attempt to answer any of the important questions in the mid-east crises, but that's not its job. Wonderful movie, good characters, and most importantly.... I never got bored.

Boogie Nights, 8/10, 6th best movie of 1997, 158th best movie of all time. I suppose most of the people that are going to see this movie have seen it already, but I'll review it anyway. This movie manages to be simultaneously brilliant and very fun. I'm sure its under drama at the video stores but you could just as easily put it under comedy (especailly John C. Reily's character). Although it is extremely sad to see Mark Whalbergs character go from an extremely nice if somewhat stupid young man into a total asshole jerk, but at the same time I'm sure that transition is what made the movie so fun to watch, and I suppose that is the most likely thing to happen in this situation. Well I realize this movie came out nearly a decade ago, but you know what that means... you can rent it for about dollar.... go get it!


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

If Oldboy is better than A History of Violence, then there's absolutley no reason I shouldn't see it. Of course, you said American Psycho was good...and we all know that it's terrible...

11:34 AM  
Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

Yes but I gave "American Psycho" a 6/10. Meaning I thought it was, "pretty good". Most of that rank was because of the Huey Lewis scene. Also, you watched that movie by yourself, and its really a movie you have to watch with other people.

8:50 PM  
Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Well, it be nice to have other people in the room to be able to MST3K the thing to death...

1:33 PM  
Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

Your attacks are misguided and foolish, now lick my boot!

11:37 PM  

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