Thursday, March 02, 2006

I like Stephen King More Than I Wish I did

I finished reading The Shining the other day. It was very good and will rank highly on my list, it has a very good chance at the top 30. If it does than that would make 7 Stephen King novels in my top 30. Statistically speaking this would pretty much insure that Steven King has to be my favorite author. I don't want Stephen King to be my favorite author! However, nearly every time I read a Stephen King book I like it a lot... so I keep reading them. There are a lot of authors I like a lot and would like to rate higher thank King: Kurt Vonneguet, Richard Matheson, Forrest Carter, JRR Tolkien for example. But I don't think the numbers bare that out. This may be the only thing that has stopped me from compiling a favorite authors list based on my fovorite novels. Well that and the fact that JK Rawling is probobly going to make the top five.

Oh well, maybe I'll try to get into some Tolstoy or something... it won't work.


Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Well, you do have that Tolstoy short story book...and although you didn't read it when you were in the Imperial Russia class and just acted like it by bullshitting all the way through you could probably read a couple of those. I would suggest "The Death of Ivan Ilych" (cliche, but his second best story nonetheless), "Master and Man" (since you were supposed to read if for class, even though it's not that good), and while we're talking about stuff you were supposed to read for class, try out "The Kreutzer Sonata", his best short story of all. Tolstoy's got some good stuff, although probably not going to overtake steven king once you read that book he wrote about the Red Sox.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Blake Stockdale said...

Yeah, "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon". I am roughly 6.5 times more likely to read that than any of those stories you mentioned. And you know what... I'll probobly love it.

11:40 PM  
Blogger ZT Krugman said...

Man, you must be reading a lot, since you only update your blog whenever it seems convenient for you...geez

9:07 AM  

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