Thursday, March 09, 2006

Just because a movie is innovative doesn't mean its good

I wallowed my way throught "Carnival of Souls" last night. It was not enjoyable. I had heard so much about what a classic it was, how it basically created the zombie genre while Night of the Living Dead got all the credit. But you see the thing is, Night of the Living Dead is a great movie. Carnival of Souls was boring and pointless. I'm sure if this was 1962 and I had never seen a zombie movie before I would appreciate Carnival of Souls. But I have not only seen many zombie movies already, I have seen many GOOD and ENJOYABLE zombie movies. Which leaves this movie being only old, boring and although it is original, I've seen this concept so many times that it doesn't seem original to me. I realize this is not the fault of this movie, but it is however a reason not to watch it. I really have to question whether all the horror fans who gas on about this movie do so because they acctually enjoy watching it or because its reportedly so innovative and a "classic". I love zombie movies, so I owe a lot to this movie... but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I haven't ranked this movie yet but I'm thinking 4/10 at best. More likely 3/10.


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