Saturday, March 18, 2006

Summery Post

It would be a good idea at this time for you to go back and start reading this blog about 11 posts ago with a post titled "my o my what a time". Unless of chorse you want to hear about my spring break in reverse, which for all I know actually makes for a better story, so I guess do what you want.

Anyway, that was pretty much my spring break. If it wasn't for that horrible downward spiral at the end I would say it was far and away my best spring break ever, I suppose it still might be. It's all a question of how strongly I weight between 4:00 am - 2:00 pm friday, which were 10 of the worst hours of my life. However, the important thing is, I went to Vegas for spring break, I had a great time (for the most part) with my friends, I actually won money gambling, and when I did get sick I had my girlfriend there to treat me like a baby. What more could you ask for on spring break?


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