Saturday, March 18, 2006


After falling asleep around 2:00 in the morning I woke up around 3:30 feeling very poorly. I began to get the feeling that I would feel better if I went and threw up. I did feel a little better... for about 10 minutes. After this I felt that I would feel better if I took a crap. I took a crap, but didn't feel better. I spent roughly the next 4 and a half hours walking back and forth from the bed to the bathroom to shit or throw up. While I did my best to walk quitely this was mostly pointless because my vomiting was loud and violent and I am sure woke everyone up. I tried to sleep in the bathroom but found it was just too cold. Around 8:30 people started waking up. This was nice because I had people to feel sorry for me know. Shannon got my some tums to take. I chewed on one for about 3 seconds and than vomited again. By this time the food and liquid had run out in my stomach and I began to throw up something else. My guess is it was stomach acid but I don't know for sure, all I know is that it was thick, it was yellow, it tasted absolutely awful, and when it hit the water in the toilet it sank like a stone. Around this time I called my mom at work back in Wisconsin. She told me it would be a good idea to call a clinic and get some advice. I had Shannon do this. I was told to drink water for the next two hours, and not to worry if I vommited it all back up, but to call back if i was still vomiting in two hours. I spent the next two hours drinking water and vomiting in cycles of about 30 minutes. I apparently had a fever because Shannon told me I felt extrodinarilly hot. I however was freezing in spite of the fact that I had sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and 8 blankets on. Shannon kept putting a cold wash cloth on my face (to spite my complaints) and feeding me ice. I think I may have started to hallucinate a little bit. I stopped throwing up around 2:00. I layed around in the hotel room, but was unable to fall asleep. I did this untill we had to check out at 6:00. We than sat around in the hotel for about an hour and half and than decided to go to the airport in spite of the fact that our plane didn't leave for over 5 hours. We got to our gate a little after 9:00. For the next two hours Shannon and I layed on the ground by our terminal. Luckily, I acctaually slept quite a bit. A little before 11:30 everyone else showed up and we got on the plane. The flight back went much quicker than we expected. We got back a little after 5:00 am midwest time. On the flight I actually slept quite a bit (I'm not positive but I think I slept through our takeoff). While I was awake I managed to eat a cookie and a bag of pretzels, which was very encouraging.


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