Friday, September 09, 2005

This Is What I Believe Now

Allright, so during my WWI class today we talked about the futurist school of philosiphy/poetry. They seemed very interest, kinda cool, and extremely crazy. However, say what you will they wrote and lived with manic intensity, which I have always respected. So I came up with my own personal philosiphy, which I am currently referring to as Neo-Futurism. So anyway I should work up a manifesto eventually, but untill then here's what I've established.
The Fourteen Tenants of Neo-Futurism:
1. We agree with many of the basic tenants of futurism, but hate poetry of all kinds.
2. Our love of speed and fast-paced living will be supplemented by our love of the drug speed.
3. We endorce the movie speed, but not Keanu Reeves.
4. We drink a lot.
5. While claiming to be open-minded we reserve the right to dislike every single race, creed, and nationality.
6. We eat toast every day.
7. We will be rediculouslly smug.
8. We hate big dogs and like small dogs... but not too small.
9. We feel Lithuania is the greatest country in the world, but refuse to admit why.
10. Sean Penn is an Asshole
11. We all own a lot of guns... knives too.
12. We smoke cloved ciggarettes.
13. We either love or hate the book Don Quiote... there is no middle ground.
14. No Dames.


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