Saturday, March 08, 2008

Top 50 Simpsons Episodes of all time

Well, you knew it would take something big to bring me back, and that's just what your gonna get. I have spent all morning working on a list of my top 50 Simpson's Episodes of all time. The shocking thing is not that I was able to get this done, but that for whatever reason, I waited till now. I easily could have done this 10 years ago seeing as how not a single episode on the list appeared after season 10. Anyhow, here they are:

Top 50 Simpson’s Episodes

1. You Only Move Twice – Homer gets a job at the Globex Corporation which forces the Simpson’s to move away from Springfield.
2. Lemon of Troy – The town of Shelbyville steals Springfield’s fabled Lemmon Tree, and Bart and some of the other boys from town venture into the rival town to get it back.
3. Homer vs. the 18th Amendment – Springfield decides to finally enforce a longstanding prohibition law and Homer becomes a bootlegger supplying Springfield with illegal alcohol.
4. Cape Feare – The Simpson’s join the witness protection program in an unsuccessful attempt to hide from Sideshow Bob, who wants Bart dead
5. L Lisa the Vegetarian – Lisa clashes with Homer when she becomes a vegetarian just as he plans to throw a big back yard BBQ.
6. Bart of Darkness – Bart is confined to his room all summer due to a broken leg, while there he believes he see’s Flanders murder his wife Maud.
7. Lisa on Ice – Lisa joins a pee-wee hockey time to avoid failing gym. She proves to be an outstanding goalie and leads her team to the championship game… against Bart’s team.
8. Homer’s Phobia – The Simpsons befriend a young man named John, but Homer can’t handle it when he learns that he’s gay. Homer than starts to worry that Bart might be gay.
9. Mr. Plow – Homer becomes the king of Springfield by buying a snowplow and starting a driveway plowing business, that is until his friend Barney buys a bigger plow.
10. The Boy Who Knew Too Much – Bart skips school and goes to party at Mayor Quimby’s residence. While there he witnesses an act that proves Freddy Quimby, a man accused of attacking a waiter is innocent, but clearing Quimby’s name will get him in trouble with Principal Skinner.
11. $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) - After Springfield legalizes gambling Marge becomes a compulsive gambler, leaving Homer and the kids to fend for themselves.
12. The Cartridge Family – Homer purchases a gun to protect his family but his carelessness with the weapon leads Marge to take the kids and leave.
13. Marge vs. the Monorail – Springfield builds a monorail system, but when it looks like the train is about to crash only Homer, the monorail’s conductor, can save the day.
14. Sideshow Bob Roberts – Sideshow Bob is released from jail and is promptly elected mayor of Springfield, but Bart and Lisa believe the election results to be fraudulent.
15. Rosebud – The Simpson’s initially plan to sell Mr. Burns his long lost teddy bear Bobo, but Homer refuses when he sees how much Maggie likes it.
16. Behind the Laughter – A Behind the Music paradox that tells the story of the Simpson’s wild and turbulent rise to fame.
17. Last Exit to Springfield – Homer becomes the head of the Nuclear Power Plant’s union in an attempt to keep his dental plan so that Lisa can get braces.
18. Homer the Vigilante – Homer becomes the leader of a neighborhood watch program in an attempt to catch the elusive Springfield Cat Burglar, but the power goes to his head.
19. Duffless – Homer promises Marge he won’t drink for 30 days after getting a DUI; meanwhile Lisa does a series of tests to see who’s smarter: Bart or a Hamster?
20. Homie the Clown – Homer becomes a Krusty the Klown impersonator; however he’s so good that the mafia mistake him for Krusty, who they want dead.
21. Boy-Scoutz ‘N the Hood – Homer and Bart go on a disastrous father-son rafting trip after Bart accidentally joins the boy scouts.
22. Bart vs. Australia – Bart doops a young Australian boy into accepting a 900 dollar collect call. This enrages the Aussies, forcing Bart to go to Australia to be punished.
23. Two Bad Neighbors – Former president George Bush moves in next door to the Simpson’s and Bart’s antics quickly turn the Bush’s and the Simpson’s into enemies.
24. Homer’s Barbershop Quartet – Homer tells the kids about his time as a member of the Beatles-like barbershop quartet “The Be Sharps”.
25. Krusty Gets Kancelled – Krusty loses his show because of the huge popularity of a new show starring the dummy Gabbo, Krusty than returns with a star-studded comeback special.
26. Two Dozen and One Greyhounds – Santa’s Little Helper another dog pregnant and she has 25 puppies that now belong to the Simpson’s, but Mr. Burns wants the dogs, and not for pets.
27. Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk – Homer looses his job after Mr. Burns sells the Nuclear power plant to some Germans.
28. Team Homer – Homer’s Bowling Team makes its way to the finals, but is forced to put Mr. Burns (who is a terrible bowler) on the team.
29. Lisa the Iconoclast – Lisa uncovers some dirt that shows that shows Springfield’s town hero Jebadiah Springfield to be a murderous pirate, and her accusations against him cost Homer his beloved job of town crier in the Town’s bicentennial parade.
30. Deep Space Homer – Homer becomes an astronaut as part of NASA’s plan to put an average man in space as a way to increase interest in the space program.
31. Homer and Apu – Apu moves in with the Simpson’s after he looses his job at the Kwik-E-Mart for selling Homer tainted meat.
32. Homer the Great – Homer joins a secret society known as the stone-cutters and turns out to be their prophesized leader, much to the displeasure of the stone-cutters.
33. Bart’s Girlfriend – Bart falls for the sweet innocent minister’s daughter Jessica Lovejoy, who turns out not to be so sweet or innocent.
34. Homer the Heretic – Homer decides to give up his religion so that he can stay home on Sundays.
35. Brother From the Same Planet – Bart gets mad at Homer and signs up for a bigger brother, this angers Homer who gets his own little brother out of revenge.
36. Marge on the Lam – Marge goes on the run from the cops and Homer with her neighbor Ruth, leaving Lionel Hutz to baby-sit the children
37. The Springfield Connection – Marge becomes a police officer, and although she enjoys her new job it puts a lot of stress on her relationship with Homer.
38. Grandpa vs. Sexual Inadequacy – Homer and Grandpa go out on the road selling Grandpa’s homemade love tonic.
39. The Twisted World of Marge Simpson – Marge starts a pretzel stand business and Homer enlists the Mafia to assure the business is a success.
40. Homer’s Enemy – Mr. Burns hires a hardworking self-made man Frank Grimes at the Power Plant named Frank Grimes. Frank resents the lazy, dim-witted, and highly successful Homer, and the two quickly become enemies.
41. Itchy and Scratchy Land – Robotic Itchy and Scratchy Robots go berserk and attack the Simpson’s while they are on vacation at Itchy and Scratchy land.
42. Homer Goes to College – Homer befriends some nerds after he enrolls in Springfield University due to Mr. Burn’s demand that he get a degree in nuclear physics.
43. Tree house of Horror V – The Shinning - A lack of TV and beer make Homer go crazy and try to kill his family while they look after Mr. Burns’s mountain getaway all winter. Time and Punishment - Homer travels through time after inadvertently turning his toaster into a time machine. Nightmare Cafeteria - Due to overcrowding in detention Springfield elementary begins to serve its own students for lunch.
44. Homer’s Triple Bypass – Homer has multiple heart attacks and needs an operation to fix them, lacking the money for a competent doctor he hires Dr. Nick Riviera for $129.95.
45. Homerpalooza – To prove he’s still cool Homer takes the kids to an alternative rock festival, while there he gets a job in the freak show.
46. Tree house of Horror IV - The Devil and Homer Simpson – Homer sells his soul to the devil (Flanders) in exchange for a donut. Terror at 5 ½ Feet – Bart sees a gremlin destroying the bus on the way to school, but nobody will believe him. Bart Simpson’s Dracula – A vampire Mr. Burns invites the Simpson’s to his mansion for the weekend.
47. Bart Gets Famous – Bart becomes a national sensation as the “I didn’t do it boy” after briefly appearing in a Krusty the Klown sketch.
48. Whacking Day – Lisa tries to stop whacking day, the annual Springfield tradition of clubbing to death every snake in town.
49. King-Size Homer – Homer undergoes a weight-gaining regiment with the help of Bart so that he can be diagnosed as morbidly obese and work from home.
50. Homer the Smithers – Mr. Burns forces Smithers to go on a vacation and Homer is named as his temporary replacement.

Honorable Mentions:
Bart’s Inner Child – Homer getting a free trampoline somehow leads to the Simpson’s going to a self-help seminar and Bart being crowned as the model for perfect behavior for the entire town of Springfield.
Flaming Moe’s – Moe becomes famous for inventing the drink “the flaming Moe” an idea he stole from Homer.
Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily – Child Welfare Services takes away the Simpson’s children and puts them in the care of a foster family (The Flanders).
The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson – The Simpson’s travel to New York to retrieve their car, a trip that is enjoyable for most of the family, but a horrible ordeal for Homer.
Mountain of Madness – Homer goes to a teamwork-building retreat in the mountains and ends up getting trapped in a cabin with Mr. Burns after an avalanche.