Sunday, November 12, 2006

This blog may have lost some of its momentum

I haven't posted in a while. You may or may not have noticed that. However, today it's a lazy sunday afternoon, and as I have dishes to wash and laundry to do I thought I would spend some time on here. And as my backlog of unranked movies has gotten to over 1 page, I have decided to rank some movies for you all. What we have here are 2 very good movies, 5 ok ones, and one ass-awful one. So rather than write extensive reviews for all of them, I will just be reviewing the best and the worst, and describing the others in one or two sentances.
(Note - so far I have ranked 11 movies for 2006)

X-Men 3: The Last Stand, 2006
8/10, Best movie of 2006, 54th best movie of the 2000s, 220th best movie of all time.
Okay, I liked this movie a lot. Not as much as I liked X-men 2, but still an awful lot. First off, I really like the concept of a "Last Stand", most movies I have that involve some sort of "Last Stand" tend to do very well on this list (i.e. Zulu, The Two Towers, Gettysburg, The Stand, wait did that even have a stand in it?). But anyway, that was really fun. Plus this X-men finally included my favorite comic book character of all time: The Unstoppable Juggernaut. What an awesome power, to be unstoppable, that is so freaking sweet. Anyway whats-his-face from Snatch and Lock/Stock was a great choice for Juggernaut. He was depicted very well... total jerk, vaugly sociopathic, yet strangely charasmatic. Any way, good movie, great character, very fun to watch.

Fun with Dick and Jane, 2005
5/10, 40th best of 2005, 251st best of the 2000's, 774th best overall
- Bout what I was expecting, kinda dumb, slightly funny.

The Breakup, 2006
5/10, 7th of 2006, 220th best of 2000's, 673 best overall
- Major dissapointment, Vince Vaugn's first miss in a long time.

Africa: The Serengeti, 1994
5/10, 38th best of 1994, 317th best of the 1990's, 801st best overall
- This wasn't a bad movie, but it was only 40 minutes long, and I had seen pretty much every scene in other nature specials

16 Blocks, 2006
5/10, 9th best of 2006, 247th of the 2000s, 715th overall
- I was a little dissapointed, Mos Def is acctually one of my favorite actors, but his performance in this one lacked a lot of its usual charm. Above average dialouge saves it from being a total loss.

8 Below, 2006
5/10, 8th best of 2006, 230th best of the 2000s, 684th best overall
- Decent family fun found here. But the biggest issue is that I miraculously watched two movies that start with a number in a row here. That's like accidentlly using two words that start with a 'Q' in a row.

Philadelphia, 1993
7/10, 14th best of 1993, 142nd best of 1990s, 383rd best overall
- It's always odd seeing a movie that you've heard is great all the time. A lot of times you watch it, and you think its a really good movie, but it just doesn't hit you. You enjoy the movie, but it never really gets you excited the way a great movie is supposed to. So how do you rank a movie like that? You give it a seven out of ten.

Date Movie, 2006
1/10, worst movie of 2006, 2nd worst movie of the 2000s, 1261st of all time
I do not give out 1/10s easilly. I have seen a lot of movies in my time and have only given out just over 50 1s. This movie is awful. It is the worst kind of parody movie. It thinks that as long as it makes a refrence to something from another movie it doesn't have to try to put a joke in there. It assumes that refrencing other movies is whats funny. I did not laugh while watching this movie, I did not chuckle, I did not smirk, I never went "ha", in fact while watching this movie I don't recall ever being vauglly happy. In fact towards the end I began to experience the feeling that I might never be happy again. This movie was awful, I did not enjoy it, in fact I hated it. If you looked at the rankings you will see that it is ranked 1261st. I have now seen 1265 movies. That makes it the 5th worst movie I have ever seen. That means it is the worst movie I have seen in a very long time, and I am hoping with all my strength that it will be a long long time before I see a movie this bad again.